Thursday, June 30, 2011
Israeli Air Force Display At Pilot Graduation – First Charedi Female Pilot
Dozens of pilot cadets graduated at a ceremony at Hatzerim Air Force base in Southern Israel. As the new pilots marched in perfect formation, one detail stood out: the long skirt of the first haredi female pilot in the IAF.
The graduation was followed by an aerial display of the Israeli Air Force, highlighted by a performance by Fouga CM-170 Magisters of the IAF aerobatic team as well as the new Lockheed-Martin F-16i Fighting Falcon “Sufa” fighter jet flying alongside the Supermarine Spitfire that flew in the Independence War of 1948.
Among the other aircraft featured in the display was an attack by the Boeing AH-64 Apache “Saraph” and Bell AH-1 Huey Cobra “Tzefa” helicopters, a rescue mission preformed by the Sikorsky CH-53 “Petrel” helicopter, a landing and rocket-assist takeoff by the Lockheed-Martin C-130 Hercules “Karnaf” transport plane, a flyby by the Israeli Aerospace Industries “Shoval” UAV drone, a battle simulation by the Boeing F-15i “Ra’am” fighter jet, and a re-feuling of the F-15i by the Boeing 707 “Re’em”.
Chacham Ovadiah to Obama: Release Pollard, It’s Pikuach Nefesh
Rav Ovadiah wrote the president that Pollard’s case was one of pikuach nefesh(saving a life) and that he should release him as a “humanitarian gesture.”
Yishai delivered the message at a party at Cunningham’s residence held in honor of US Independence Day. While some MKs boycotted the event to protest Pollard not being allowed to attend his father’s funeral, there were no provocations on Pollard’s behalf from anyone who did attend.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke at the US Independence day event in Herzliya, thanking the United States for its “diplomatic, moral and military support” of Israel over the years.
Netanyahu praised Obama for his continued insistence that negotiations are the only way to bring about peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The event was attended by 2,200 guests, including MKs, military figures, local and international senior academics, Cunningham and President Shimon Peres.
Peres said that “America is the most “indispensable” nation for Israel. He also thanked Obama for “his ongoing commitment to the peace and security of our land.”
The president and the prime minister both thanked Cunningham for his service as US ambassador to Israel.
“I will be leaving my position soon after three years,” said Cunningham. “You have welcomed us, we thank you,” he added.
Cunningham spoke of the strong bond between the US and Israel, saying Americans “have a clear understanding of Israel’s security needs.”
The ambassador said that Obama “has made clear that he stands beside Israel and will continue to do so in these challenging times.”
Cunningham said that the status quo in the Middle East is unsustainable and renewed negotiations were needed to secure peace in the region. He added, however, that “no country can be expected to make peace with a terrorist organization that calls for its destruction.”
SERAPHIC SECRET: Jews Commit All Rapes in Norway
This story makes me ashamed to be Jewish.
Really, it’s time to weep.
Police statistics reveal that in 2010 every rape in Norway was committed by a Jew.
No wonder anti-Semitism is epidemic in Norway.
I get it. I really do —
Wait a minute…
New information coming in from my confidential source in Norway…
Slight mistake, folks.
Actually, every rape in Norway in 2010 was committed by Muslim immigrants against non-Muslim Norwegian women.
That’s weird because, y’know, Islam is the religion of peace, the religion that honors and cherishes women.
Okay, let’s run a videotape from Norway. Pay close attention to the coded Orwellian language used to avoid mentioning Muslims and Islam. These imbeciles don’t want to be accused of a non-existent thought crime labeled Islamophobia.
Every culture in the history of the world that turns against the Jewish people becomes a backward sewer—see the Arab Muslim world—and eventually implodes. The Islamization of Western Europe and Scandinavia is nothing less than cultural suicide.Arutz Sheva reports:
In 2005, the blogger Fjordman reported on a similar rape wave in Sweden. A crime prevention study that year reported that Algerians, Libyans, Moroccans, and Tunisians ‘dominate the group of rape suspects,’ he reported. The same year, the newspaper Aftonbladetreported that nearly half of all rapists were immigrants.
Now we know why Norway is one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Western Europe. All those rapes by Muslims are obviously caused by the evil Jewish settlers in Israel.
“Farvel Norge!”
SWC Criticizes White House for Deciding to Formally Open Talks with Muslim Brotherhood
Rabbi Hier: “We should not be talking to an organization that can lay claim to being the world's leading purveyor of anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews."
The Simon Wiesenthal Center criticized the White House today for opening talks with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The Center referred to a news
wire story quoting a unidentified senior U.S. official and confirmed today by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, citing, “The Brotherhood’s rise in political prominence” as the reason for the change in the White House position. “The political landscape in Egypt may have changed since the end of the Mubarak regime,” said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. “But the Brotherhood’s hatred of Jews and Israel has not changed at all. This seems like a sell out to the European position and I hope it is not a signal that the United States will acquiesce to Europe and begin talking to Hamas as well.”
A few weeks ago, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Mohamed Badie (pictured left) said, “Allah has warned us the tricks of the Jews, and their role in igniting the fire of wars… and they labor hard to spread corruption on earth: and Allah does not love the spreaders of corruption.”
Rabbi Hier continued, “We should not be talking to an organization that can lay claim to being the world's leading purveyor of anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews. Legitimizing the Muslim Brotherhood sends the wrong message that you can hate Jews, and still sit and talk with world leaders.”
The Simon Wiesenthal Center criticized the White House today for opening talks with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The Center referred to a news
Rabbi Hier continued, “We should not be talking to an organization that can lay claim to being the world's leading purveyor of anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews. Legitimizing the Muslim Brotherhood sends the wrong message that you can hate Jews, and still sit and talk with world leaders.”
Rabbi Marvin Hier,
Purchasing Lush Luxury Soaps and Lotions Help Hamas
It has come to our attention that a luxury handmade cosemetics company called Lush gives a percentage of its profits to an anti-Israel campaign called One World. In essence each purchase of a Lush product supports the terrorist and anarchist groups that are promoting anti-Israel activity in Israel and around the world.
We can not stand for this hyocrisy and we must not allow additional monies to be raised by this company to be given to the anti-Israel activities of One World.
We thought of the following actions that United with Israel supporters can take around the world to suport Israel:
1. Do not purchase Lush projects
2. Forward this article to all your friends and families to warn them from purchasing Lush products
3. Purchase soaps and lotions from one of Lush’s competitors, like Me! Bath instead
4. Post the following status on your facebook page “If you purchase soaps and lotions from Lush then you support the Hamas” so that people learn where their hard earned money might go.
1. Do not purchase Lush projects
2. Forward this article to all your friends and families to warn them from purchasing Lush products
4. Post the following status on your facebook page “If you purchase soaps and lotions from Lush then you support the Hamas” so that people learn where their hard earned money might go.
For the full article on this issue: The Blaze
The Hague, Netherlands - Dutch Government Rejects Palestinian Initiative
The Hague, Netherlands - The Dutch government rejected a Palestinian initiative Thursday to seek U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal to seek support for the plan to seek statehood at the U.N. General Assembly in September, although membership of a new state must be endorsed by the Security Council, where it could be vetoed by the U.S. and others.
But Rosenthal bluntly rejected the idea of the Palestinian initiative going to the General Assembly. "No, it will not be supported by the Netherlands," Rosenthal told reporters.
Instead, Rosenthal called for a resumption of "direct negotiations, right now" between Israel and the Palestinians.
The Netherlands is a strong supporter of Israel, but also sends millions in development aid each year to the Palestinian Authority.
Abbas said he hoped the Netherlands could play a role within the European Union in supporting the peace process.
On Wednesday, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, whose country will hold the rotating EU presidency for the next six months, said the 27-nation bloc is working on a common position to take if the U.N. is asked to recognize a Palestinian state.
Any common European stance would depend on a possible resolution's final wording, Sikorski said.
However, key member states already appear divided. France has said it will support Palestinian statehood if negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians do not restart by September. But countries like Germany or Italy — and now the Netherlands — are likely to oppose any such resolution.
Resolution Reaffirming the U.S. Commitment to a Negotiated Settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (U.S. Senate)
Excerpts from S. Res. 185, approved by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday:
- Whereas a true and lasting peace between the people of Israel and the Palestinians can only be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties;
- Whereas Hamas, an organization responsible for the death of more than 500 innocent civilians, including two dozen United States citizens, has been designated by the United States Government as a foreign terrorist organization;
- Whereas, on April 22, 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated, "We will not deal with nor in any way fund a Palestinian government that includes Hamas unless and until Hamas has renounced violence, recognized Israel and agreed to follow the previous obligations of the Palestinian Authority."
- Therefore, be it Resolved, that the Senate--
- Reaffirms its strong support for a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resulting in two states, a democratic, Jewish state of Israel and a viable, democratic Palestinian state, living side-by-side in peace, security, and mutual recognition;
- Reiterates its strong opposition to any attempt to establish or seek recognition of a Palestinian state outside of an agreement negotiated between leaders in Israel and the Palestinians;
- Calls upon the President to announce that the United States will veto any resolution on Palestinian statehood that comes before the United Nations Security Council which is not a result of agreements reached between the Government of Israel and the Palestinians;
- Will consider restrictions on aid to the Palestinian Authority should it persist in efforts to circumvent direct negotiations by turning to the United Nations or other international bodies.
US-Israel Alliance
Vice PM to Jewish Parliamentarians: More Sanctions on Iran
Moshe Ya’alon, Israel’s Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Affairs, met and addressed on Wednesday the delegation of Jewish parliamentarians during their visit to Israel.
Ya’alon, a former IDF Chief of Staff and Commander of the IDF’s Judea and Samaria Division, addressed in his remarks the disastrous Oslo Accords.
“In 1992 I had in my region seven casualties,” he said. “In 1993, I had six casualties, and we read in the Israeli newspapers that the situation is not sustainable so we went to Oslo to solve the problem, and we absorbed more than 1,000 casualties as a result of Oslo.”He added that the situation which exists in the region today is sustainable. “Of course, the conflict [between Israel and the Palestinian Authority] hasn’t been solved,” he said, “and I don’t think we should talk about solutions. We should talk about how to enhance our interests in the right way.”
Addressing the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, Ya’alon said that more sanctions are needed against the Islamic Republic, including what he termed “political isolation.”
“How come President Ahmadinejad of Iran, who calls to wipe Israel off the map, is welcomed in the General Assembly or in Columbia University?” he asked. “This is not political isolation. It hasn’t been implemented yet as a tool.”
He expressed hope that the economic sanctions against Iran also intensify, as they are “a very effective tool in a dilemma [of having to choose between] a nuclear bomb or survivability.
“We call for the intensification of the economic sanctions on Iran and to deal with those who help Iran to bypass these sanctions,” he said. “This tool hasn’t been exercised in the way that we believe it should be exercised.”
A military option against Iran, said Ya’alon, should be the last resort, but added that “in order to convince the Iranian regime that we are determined to deal with it, we should demonstrate a credible military option.”
He emphasized that by “we” he means the West and not just Israel. “It is not just Israel versus Iran,” he stressed. “It’s Iran versus the western world. They say that we’re only the minor Satan and that the great Satan is America. America is not just the United States.”
Ya’alon also addressed the Palestinian Authority’s plan to seek recognition of a state at the UN General Assembly, and said this idea will not serve the interests of Israel, the PA, and even the United States.
The reason for this, he explained, is that achieving recognition of a state would not give the PA any incentive to return to the negotiating table. He added that ultimately, establishing a Palestinian state unilaterally will result in the formation of a “failed and hostile entity” and noted that such a state is destined for failure since, as he explained, “you can’t talk about a viable Palestinian state without any strong economic connections to the State of Israel. Their economy is based on us.”
Meet the IDF's Very Special Unit: The Special Ed Volunteers
A special joint project, involving Jerusalem’s Beit Rachel Strauss school for children with special needs and the IDF’s Central Command, saw children with special needs volunteering for military service.
Simona, the school’s principal, explained that the project goes on throughout the school year and has been ongoing for the past four years. She noted that the students who participate have the abilities and are mature enough to take part in military work.
The tasks that the students are given are mainly administrative ones, ranging from working in the infirmary, helping in the kitchen, to working in the logistics department.
“I think it is our duty as an army, beyond providing military security to also provide strength and national security,” said Colonel Ronen Wolf of Central Command. “I think part of this involves integrating exceptional children into normal society.”
He added that children with special needs “feel uncomfortable that their siblings are enlisting and they’re not, and I think that for them this is a rare opportunity to really feel like a soldier. I think that saluting, wearing a uniform, putting on the beret and listening to instructions and being in a military environment gives them a taste of what it feels like to be a normal child.”
The responses from both the students and the soldiers are very positive. Dafna Vaknin, mother of Gili who volunteered in the kitchen, said: “I think that you can see that he’s very excited and so are we, because the very idea that he’s doing military service, that he is contributing and that he’s accepted here just the way he is with all his limitations, that made us very happy. It made him very happy as well.”
“We as soldiers, even me as a senior commanding officer, when we keep children like these busy it gives us a lot of strength, a lot of proportion about life in general, and as far as we’re concerned this is a wonderful project,” said Col. Wolf.
Visit to Father’s Grave in Israel Brings Gene Simmons to Tears
Rock star Gene Simmons of KISS fame was reduced to uncontrollable tears when he visited the grave of his estranged father during a recent visit to his native Israel, where his emotions expressed the unbreakable bond with Israel and the ties between father and son.
The following video is available courtesy of
His father left him and his mother, a Holocaust survivor, when he was a child. Simmons grew up in New York, studying in yeshiva for a while before abandoning tradition and gradually working his way up the entertainment ladder.
Simmons became visibly shaky as he entered the cemetery, where he put a kippa on is head as he approached the grave. After breaking down in tears, he said, “I am so stupid. Why didn’t I go to see him before he died?
He later said in an interview, “I was arrogant. I wanted to prove I didn’t need him. I never saw him again until I stood over his grave.”
Simon’s painful memories of a child overcame him at the graveside visit, and he muttered amid tears, “I am a good father. You would be proud.”
In the video of Simmon’s visit to the cemetery, he read a letter his father left behind. The elder Simmons said that World War II, wars in Israel and personal “tragedies” prevented him from progressing economically despite his education. “I am going to finish my life as a nobody, as a nothing,” he wrote in the letter.
“The only thing I can be proud of is my children. They are all beautiful and talented. I am very happy that you are happy.”
In a separate video posted on Israel National News last month, Simmons expressed his firm support for Israel, distaste for boycotts and anger at U.S. President Barack Obama’s demands that the Jewish state surrender land to the Palestinian Authority.
Second ‘Sabotaged’ Ship Bows Out of Flotilla
An Irish ship, the MV Saoirse, will not take part in the planned flotilla in support of the murderous and rapacious Hamas regime in Gaza. The ship has been sabotaged, according to one of its intended passengers.
Speaking with the Irish Times last night from the Turkish port of Göcek, Fintan Lane of Irish Ship to Gaza organization said that the ship could not sail because it had been “dangerously sabotaged.”
He said that the ship’s captain noticed that there was something wrong with it Monday. Divers subsequently found that a piece was missing from one of the propeller shafts.
“This was the type of sabotage that endangered human life,” Lane told the Times. “They put divers under the boat who cut a piece out of the propeller shaft. That means that the damage would have happened gradually and what would have happened eventually is that the propeller would have come up through the bottom of the boat, caused a flood in the engine room and would have caused the boat to sink.”
Six of the 20-plus crew who had been due to set sail on the boat intend to join an Italian-based vessel instead. These include Lane, former Ireland rugby player Trevor Hogan, Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy, Libyan-born Irish citizen Hussein Hamed and Derry-based Sinn Féin councilor Gerry MacLochlainn.
Lane said the damage to the ship was similar to that caused to the Swedish ship the Juliano, which flotilla organizers claim was sabotaged in the Greek port of Piraeus by “hostile divers.”
There are eight other vessels that plan to sail to Gaza in the flotilla, which claims to be humanitarian in its outlook but which, in fact, supports the right of Hamas child-killers to import arms without Israeli interference.
According to the organizers, the Italian ship Stefano Chiarim will carry the most passengers with 65 people; Canadian ship Tahrir will carry 48 passengers and an American vessel, which is currently detained in Greece, will carry 40 passengers.
An additional five ships are expected to depart from Spain, France, Greece, Sweden and Norway. Organizers expect 292 participants and 36 members of the press.
Gaza Flotilla
Civil trial attorney Baruch C. Cohen and Paul Jeser
Rob Eshman, in his column “The pro-Israel Divide,“ reinforces my belief that the Los Angeles Jewish Community would be better served by someone else serving as the LAJJ Editor-in-Chief. He just doesn’t get it. He just does not understand the responsibilities he has as the Editor-in-Chief of a major city Jewish Community newspaper.
Rob writes: “Either I do a terrible job of explaining my positions here, or many in the pro-Israel community have a terrible time accepting and understanding opinions that differ from their own.”
The issue has nothing to do with “…understanding opinions that differ from their own.” Of course everyone understands his opinions. The relevant issue is simply this: what should the role of an Editor-in-Chief be?
The Editor-in-Chief of a paper serving a major Jewish community should be a person of prestige and influence and should be the mantle of Jewish leadership. The E-i-C, to be effective in his/her leadership responsibilities, must be respected by the vast majority of the community. At a time when Israel’s survival is at stake the E-i-C must inspire Jews to support Israel, warts and all. Not continually find faults and criticize our Jewish homeland.
The Editor-in-Chief must be representative of the community, not just one segment of it. Rob is not.
And the Editor-in-Chief needs to make sure his paper presents news and headlines without a slant. Rob does not.
Rob has every right to be a columnist, no matter how “anti-Israel” many believe his positions are. And the LAJJ should continue to publish columns presenting all perspectives on the fundamentally critical issue of Israel’s survival.
But I do not believe he can be a columnist presenting controversial views on the issue of Israel’s survival AND be an effective Editor-in-Chief at the same time. He – and the LAJJ board – should choose which role he is to play.
Example: Since his September 17, 2009, column “Give J a Chance,” Rob’s support for JStreet has been very public and strong. I believe certainly stronger than his support for AIPAC. If Rob were a columnist he would have that right. When JStreet called on the administration NOT to veto a UN resolution condemning Israel, it crossed the line from using acceptable critical language to the delegitimizing language of Israel’s enemies. As the Editor-in-Chief of a major Jewish Community newspaper Rob should not be publically supporting such a controversial and divisive organization.
Example: his May 20th column entitled “A Little AIPAC Advice for Obama”. A columnist has the right to tell the President of the United States to stick-it to the Prime Minister of Israel (which I believe is the core of this piece). For the Editor-in-Chief of a major Jewish community paper to be writing this is just not appropriate and certainly not acceptable.
Example from the May 26th web site home page: two columns were presented in response to the Obama-Netanyahu Washington, D.C., meetings (by David Myers and Robert Satloff). Both offered strong arguments for their totally opposite positions. The problem: the headline for the pro-Obama piece was the major headline and was more than four times as large as the headline for the pro-Netanyahu piece which was lower on the page. I’ve been told that the format of the website does not allow for equal prominence. This response is just not acceptable. As this situation is so crucial the format of the page should have been changed.
Example (Website – June 6th): Leading headline at the top of the page: “More Than 18 Arabs Killed Along Israel….” Was that the real story? Arabs, not protestors or terrorists? Why not a headline along the line of “IDF Stops Northern Border Intrusion, Saves Hundreds of Israeli Lives.” And why not the Reuters story: “Syrian Forces Killed 70 Protesters,” or “Syria Paid Protesters to Try to Break Into Israel…?” Rob’s response to my criticism of this headline/article: he wrote that all they did was to carry the JTA story. The ‘JTA made me do it’ excuse is also just not acceptable.
How can we expect the secular media to report on Israel accurately, when I believe our own Jewish paper isn't?
And, Rob shows he doesn’t understand the role and responsibility of being an Editor-in-Chief in areas other than Israel.
Example: I am not a prude but the following box on the web site’s main page was more than offensive, fitting, perhaps, for a trashy tabloid, but not for the Jewish newspaper of a major American Jewish Community. I searched at least a dozen other Anglo-Jewish papers and found none highlighting this trash in this way. I am told that Rob does not personally select or write these headings. As Editor-in-Chief he is responsible for all content and should have removed this immediately. Instead, it stayed posted for a few days.
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In Rob’s opening paragraph of the column he wrote about my criticism he forgot to mention that one of my emails actually complimented him for his piece on Day School education. As he came to change his mind about that important subject I hope that he also changes his mind about what he writes and how he selects columns and headlines.
If not there needs to be a new Editor-in-Chief.
(This response is placed as a paid advertisement because the LAJJ declined to publish it as an op-ed piece even after adjustments were made in response to comments by the Jewish Journal’s Managing Editor. If you have any comments and/or would like to receive further updates please email or call 424-248-0955.)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Defending Israel: Impeaching the Lies, with civil trial attorney Baruch C. Cohen
CAMERA (the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) and Beth Jacob Congregation present a pre-Tisha BAv Community-Wide Event in Solidarity of Israel.
The Jewish state of Israel stands wrongfully accused in the courtroom of public opinion. Armed with lies, blood libels, distortions and classic anti-Semitic canards, the legion of Israel-bashers continues to grow at an alarming rate. Employing his trademark trial skills, Baruch Cohen will defend against this vicious assault cogently, effectively and irrefutably and will discuss why making the case for Israel is more critical than ever.
This program is free.
Seats are limited and will fill up fast. Please register online at losangeles or email your name, address and telephone number to or call 310-855-9606
Baruch C. Cohen is an accomplished and aggressive civil trial attorney representing wrongful death, personal injury and business matters before the Los Angeles Superior Courts, the U.S District Court, the U.S Bankruptcy Courts and before Bais Dins across the country. Mr. Cohen was recently admitted to appear before the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) and is a member of the prestigious Million Dollar Trial Attorneys Group--group for trial lawyers who have recovered at least $1,000,000.
Time: | Wednesday, August 3, 2011 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM |
Host: | Talia Gold |
Contact Phone: | 310-855-9606 |
Location: | Beth Jacob Congregation (Beverly Hills, CA) 9030 W Olympic Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90211 |
SERAPHIC SECRET: Michele Bachmann: Israel & The Glamour Quotient
Michele Bachmann (Republican, MN) is running for the GOP Presidential nomination. Karen and I have long been supporters of Representative Bachmann, proudly contributing to her campaigns.
She is the anti-Obama when it comes to fiscal and social policy and especially in regard to America and Israel. Bachman was raised in a conservative Christian home where love of Israel was a given. Obama was raised by a radical leftist family—mother and grandparents—who were, no doubt, hostile to the Jewish State. Need I mention Obama’s 20-year discipleship to the rabid Jew-hater Jeremiah Wright?
Bachmann is the anti-Obama.
She understands that Israel is the canary in the coal mine for Western civilization.
Obama is not even aware of the coal mine, unless it’s used as leverage for non-existent so-called green jobs.
Here’s Representative Bachmann on Israel:
Michelle Bachmann will be savaged by the liberal establishment because she is:
1. Conservative
2. Christian
3. Mother of five and mother to 23 foster children. (Liberals prefer abortion to adoption)
4. Smart
5. Capable
6. Beautiful
Bachmann is also ladylike—love the June Cleaver pearls—and technicolor glamorous. But you will not see Vogue doing a chirpy story on Bachmann. That’s reserved for Democrats—see Vogue gush over Huma Abedin—or the, ahem, “leggy” wife of a mass murdering Arab tyrant.
Bachmann’s glamour quotient is probably what the left most fears about this formidable woman.
Conservative women are, according to liberal dogma, matronly and ill-bred. To see such articulate Republican hotties as Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, and Kristi Noem of South Dakota, drives liberals out of their narrow and intolerant minds.
I cannot tell you how many of my Hollywood colleagues have savaged these women as she-wolves of the SS. It would be funny if it were not so delusional and profoundly ignorant.
As Sarah Palin was treated as a hated “Jew” by the elite media, so will Michelle Bachmann be the object of deranged scorn and the inevitable blood-libels
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