Monday, April 30, 2018

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10 Comments on Netanyahu’s Iran Speech

1. You must admire the people in charge of gathering information for Israel. You must admire the fact that they can show you thousands of documents from within the Iranian archives. And as you admire these creative, bold, daring intelligence gatherers, you must also consider the obvious fact: They have documents that you don’t. They have information that no one else could gather. They know Iran well enough to master such a stunt – getting half a ton worth of secret documents kept inside Iran and shipping them to Tel Aviv. Maybe, just maybe, this also means that their sense of what Iran is doing, where it is going, what its ambitions are like, are better than yours (and mine). If these people tell you that Iran is cheating, if they tell you that the nuclear deal does not work, you ought to listen. Agree – or disagree – but listen carefully, and humbly. There is very little chance that you know better than they do.
2. Timing is everything. Prime Minister Netanyahu tried and failed to stop the nuclear deal giving a speech to Congress in early 2015. It was a controversial move. The Prime Minister was blamed by many of the speech’s opponents that his main motivation was political, that his true crowd was the home crowd (elections in Israel were held a few weeks after the speech). In a phone conversation I had with the PM not long after the speech he defended his decision to go to Washington. This is an important enough issue for Israel for me to utilize all possible means – and if this makes the President of the United States unhappy, then so be it.
The timing was off. Obama had no intention of giving up. He thought he had a deal worthy of a second Noble Peace Prize. John Kerry was maybe hoping to get his first. Netanyahu gave a good speech, a strong speech, but not strong enough. One could only speculate: would he be more successful had he showed them then what he showed us now?
3. The deal with Iran was a mistake. It was a rush mistake. But let’s be realistic: Do you think Obama changed his mind the other day if he was watching Netanyahu? Do you think Kerry did? Timing is everything. Information – evidence – is hardly as important. Many Americans blame President Trump for bringing about the age of fake news, yet what Netanyahu showed us earlier this week is proof that the Iran deal was fake news. It was fake news produced by people more sophisticated than Trump, and thus more successful in selling their make-believe diplomatic achievement to a willing audience.3. The question is basically this: Can you alter the opinions of world leaders by showing them information? Are world leaders capable of admitting great error?
4. We have a few days before we can truly assess the impact of Netanyahu’s dramatic appearance of world events. But some things are clear:
Netanyahu was well-coordinated with the Trump administration when he staged his press appearance. He spoke on the phone with Trump two days before his presentation. He met with the new Secretary of State not many hours before his presentation. The administration was not surprised. It was well-informed, and it was ready to respond – as Trump did half an hour after Netanyahu went off the air.
What was the exact plan? Maybe Trump told him: give me something with which to work – give me something with which to pressure the Europeans. Maybe Trump told him – I can’t convince the Europeans, you try. Maybe Trump told him: I am going to do what’s right, it would be helpful if you can give me some more ammunition.
5. Can the Europeans, and Russians, and Chinese be convinced?
I am skeptical and here is why: They knew all along that Iran cannot be trusted. They knew its leaders were lying. They knew it was working on a nuclear program. In short, they were cynical when they hailed the deal, and there is no reason for me to think that they are not cynical now. They decided to compromise with Iran not because they think it is a country of great values and honest to God leadership. They decided to compromise with Iran because they see economic potential, and because they think Iran – and its belligerent behavior – is not really their problem.
6. I’d like to think that Trump is going to change all this, but this is far from being an assured outcome of what we see now. Trump can dump the deal and then lose interest – not a good outcome. He can keep the deal – possibly with cosmetic changes to save face – not a good outcome. He can begin a process of pressuring Iran, and then lose an election and be replaced by a less vigilant leader – not a good outcome. The battle against Iran is long, and to win it the US (or Israel) must be persistent and must have a strategy. Press conferences, speeches, statements, dazzling intelligence achievements – all these have a role in this long battle. But no speech can win this battle.
7. To Israel’s credit – if one believes the unconfirmed reports by the non-Israeli press – it is not only talking. The same day Netanyahu was speaking, someone was also shooting missiles at Iranian targets in Syria. This was not the first, nor the second, nor the third time in which Iran was the recipient of a clear message: its military presence in Syria will not be tolerated.
Israel made it clear in public statements. It made it clear to foreign dignitaries, including, in recent days, European leaders that were trying to understand why Syria is suddenly becoming such hot potato. Israel told even the Russians that it is dead serious about not allowing Iranian presence in Syria. A senior diplomat was telling his counterpart these exact words: We will not let Syria become a second Lebanon. In Lebanon, Iran’s proxy Hezbollah have thousands of rockets ready for use against Israel. This is hardly a convenient situation, but since the war of 2006 the Israel-Lebanese border was relatively stable and quiet. Israel has no interest in having to watch a second front to the east – this time held not by Iran’s proxies but rather by Iran itself.
Again, only time will tell if the Iranians got the message, and decided that the benefit does not justify the cost – or maybe it’s the other way around: they got the message and are getting ready to up the ante.
8. What Netanyahu showed was amazing, and also somewhat disappointing.
You are telling us that Iran is lying?
You are proving that the official Iranian position was based on a pile of nontruths?
Did we not know?
Netanyahu did not have a smoking gun to present. It is disappointing but ought to be acknowledged. So, if you are still in the business of believing the Iranians – oh, they lied for three decades, they lied up until mid 2015, but not they are telling the truth and nothing but the truth – I would urge you to stay away from banks, insurance companies and flea markets. You are clearly an easy pray for con artists of all types. Still – I can’t show you evidence that they are lying now. I mean, this week. Today. Or maybe I can: Netanyahu did prove that Iran is still lying about its dishonest past. He did not prove that it is lying about the present.
9. Politics: if one wants to be suspicious of Netanyahu’s motivation it is not impossible to do. The speech was made on the first day of the summer session of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. Netanyahu stole the show. While other politicians were dealing with petty maneuvers, he presented himself as a man of action, determination and the big things.
If he has no choice but to call for early election – because the coalition can’t compromise on issues such as the draft of the ultra-Orthodox, or the conversion bill, or the Supreme Court bill – he will now do it as statesman. If his coalition partners were toying with idea of testing his power, they will now have to reconsider.
10. These are tense days in Israel. Pundits and politicians rush to the microphones to calm the public down – which of course has the opposite effect. If times were truly calm, there would be no need for such appearances.
Remember Independence Day? It was just a week ago. Remember Passover? For weeks ago. May is here, and with it a mountain of worries:
Will the moving of the US embassy to Jerusalem, a happy and well appreciated decision by Trump, ignite protest and violence?
Is Israel ready for the main show in Gaza, in mid-May, when thousands will once again attempt to cross the border?
What will the President decide to do with the Iran deal, and what will be the result of his decision?
How will Tehran and Damascus respond to attacks on sites in Syria? What will Iran do if Trump scraps the deal? What will Israel be forced to do in response to Iran’s response?
If you are just an observer, you will fasten a metaphorical seat belt as you get ready to watch a possibly dramatic show. If you live here, fastening a seat belt is less a fancy expression and more a statement of sober fact: a seat belt is what you do to save lives.

New American secretary of state: “We’re with Israel in this fight”

“We remain deeply concerned about Iran’s dangerous escalation of threats to Israel and the region and Iran’s ambition to dominate the Middle East remains. The US is with Israel in this fight,” Pompeo said. By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

New American secretary of state: “We’re with Israel in this fight”

New American secretary of state: “We’re with Israel in this fight”
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (L) meets with PM Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, April29, 2018. (Matty Stern/U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv)

Mike Pompeo voiced a strongly worded message of support for Israel as he came to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday on first trip to the Middle East as secretary of state.

The discussions, unsurprisingly, focused on Iran, its actions in the region, as well as the nuclear accord that President Donald Trump has threatened to walk away from by May 12th if serious changes are not made. Pompeo and Netanyahu apparently see eye to eye on these issues.

In a joint news conference, Pompeo called Israel “an incredibly important partner.” He also stated, “We remain deeply concerned about Iran’s dangerous escalation of threats to Israel and the region and Iran’s ambition to dominate the Middle East remains.”

“The United States is with Israel in this fight,” he declared.

His support was warmly reciprocated by Netanyahu, who called Pompeo a “true friend of Israel, a true friend of the Jewish people,” adding, “I can say that today America and Israel are closer than ever before.”

Pompeo stayed away from the Palestinian Authority (PA) on this visit. According to Ha’aretz, PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ aide, Nabil Shaath, said that no one in Pompeo’s office requested a meeting. “Even if there was such a petition, the official Palestinian stance remains unchanged, and it is not to meet with the American administration representatives,” Shaath said.

The PA is furious with Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and the upcoming transfer of the US Embassy to that city.

‘Incredibly proud to be opening the new embassy’
“We are incredibly proud to be opening the new embassy on May 14th, well ahead of the original timetable. This step comes as Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary of independence, and 70 years of recognition and steadfast support for Israel from the American people as well. By recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the seat of its government, we’re recognizing reality,” Pompeo stated in Tel Aviv.

“I also stress that President Trump has said in December the boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem remain subject to negotiations between the parties, and we remain committed to achieving a lasting and comprehensive peace that offers a brighter future for both Israel and the Palestinians,” he added.

Pompeo, a former three-term congressman from Kansas, has been known for his vehement opposition to the 2015 Iran nuclear accord, voting against it when it was brought to Congress by former President Barack Obama. His hostility to Iran was already obvious in 2014, when he voiced opposition to negotiations with the Islamic Republic, saying, “In an unclassified setting, it is under 2,000 sorties to destroy the Iranian nuclear capacity. This is not an insurmountable task for the coalition forces.”

His uncompromising view of Islamist extremism was also evidenced by his co-sponsoring of legislation to add the Muslim Brotherhood to the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations.

Pompeo served as President Trump’s first CIA director for just over a year before being confirmed in his new position this past Thursday.

Saudi Crown Prince: Palestinians should negotiate peace or ‘shut up’

Saudi Crown Prince: Palestinians should negotiate peace or â??shut upâ??

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman said the Palestinian leadership needs to accept the peace plans proposed by the US or stop complaining and that the Arab world has lost interest in the so-called Palestinian issue.

In a closed-door meeting with heads of Jewish organizations in New York in March, Bin Salman harshly criticized Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinians’ diplomatic conduct over the past 40 years, according to a report by American news site Axious. The report cited an Israeli foreign ministry cable sent by a diplomat from the Israeli consulate in New York as well three other sources – Israeli and American – who were briefed about the meeting.

According to the report, the Saudi Crown Prince told the Jewish leaders that “in the last several decades, the Palestinian leadership has missed one opportunity after the other and rejected all peace proposals. It is about time the Palestinians take the proposals and agree to come to the negotiations table or shut up and stop complaining.”

He also noted that the Palestinian issue was not a top priority for the Saudi government or Saudi public opinion, saying that Saudi Arabia “has much more urgent and important issues to deal with,” such as confronting Iran’s belligerent expansion in the Middle East.

While leveling harsh criticism against the Palestinians, Ben Salman conceded that in order for Saudi Arabia and other Arab states to normalize relations with Israel, at least some progress on the Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic process would have to be made. He did not demand a final status agreement.

High-ranking Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have often spoken in general terms regarding the budding backdoor diplomatic relations between Israel and Sunni Arab states, mainly Saudi Arabia.

Axious quoted a source who, briefed on the meeting, said the attendees were stunned when they heard the Saudi prince’s comments on the Palestinian issue. “People literally fell off their chairs,” the source said.

This news comes amid reports that the Trump administration has finished drafting a peace plan and is discussing how and when to launch it.

The Palestinians have been boycotting Washington since Trump’s recognitions of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December.

'IRAN LIED': Netanyahu Reveals Israel Smuggled 100,000 Nuclear Documents Out Of Iran. Iran Had An Ongoing Nuclear Program.

On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced to the world that Israel had carried out a stunning intelligence operation: their agents had smuggled tens of thousands of physical documents about Iran’s nuclear program out of Iran itself. Those “half a ton” of documents demonstrate Iran’s ongoing nuclear program, and the fact that the Obama administration lied constantly and repeatedly to the public about Iran’s newfound moderation in order to scam the public into approving Obama’s Iran nuclear deal – a deal that allowed Iran to maximize its regional power with income from the West.
Netanyahu announced, “Iran lied. Big time. After signing the nuclear deal in 2015, Iran intensified its efforts to hide its secret nuclear files.” Netanyahu said that a dilapidated warehouse contained Iran’s nuclear files: “55,000 pages, another 55,000 files on 188 CDs.” The files included incriminating documents, charts, and presentations.
According to Netanyahu, Iran had a comprehensive program, Project Amad, to design and develop nuclear weapons, and they have now disassembled the program for later reassembly. The specific goal of Project Amad: designing nuclear weapons; developing nuclear cores; preparing nuclear implosions; preparing nuclear tests; integrating nuclear warheads on missiles. Iran devised a plan after the beginning of the Second Gulf War to further develop its nuclear weapons program in secret – and to form new organizations to continue the work of Project Amad. Today, Netanyahu said, the work was carried out inside the Iranian Defense Ministry, and many of Amad’s key personnel continued to work on the project. The Iranians did not declare their program to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Iran instead denied the existence of a program and specifically denied the Amad plan.
This presentation was undoubtedly carried out with the knowledge of the United States; Netanyahu said that the information had been shared with the United States.
This is likely the precursor to the Trump administration moving to end the Iran nuclear deal, as they should. The Obama administration misled the American public, promoted Iranian lies repeatedly, and as Netanyahu said, “The nuclear deal is based on lies. 100,000 files right here prove that they lied…Iran continues to lie…The nuclear deal gives Iran a clear path to an atomic arsenal.”

Washington - Report: Trump May Pardon Pollard, Paving Way For Aliyah

Jonathan Pollard, a former U.S. Navy intelligence officer convicted of spying for Israel, exits following a hearing at the Manhattan Federal Courthouse in New York City, U.S., May 17, 2017. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

Washington - A report by Israeli media claims that president Donald Trump is strongly considering requests to issue a presidential pardon to convicted spy Jonathan Pollard.
The 63-year-old former civilian analyst for the US Navy was convicted in 1985 and sentenced to life imprisonment, but was paroled in November 2015, after having served 30 years in federal prison.
The pardon would enable Pollard and his wife to immigrate to Israel, removing the restrictions imposed by his parole.
Earlier on Sunday, Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) urged President Trump to pardon the ex-spy.
Speaking at the Jerusalem Post Conference in New York Sunday, Katz said such a move would “make the celebration” of Israel’s 70th Independence Day and the relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem “even happier”.
“I would like to ask our great friend President Trump, to give the Israeli public one more present, and to allow Jonathan Pollard to come to Israel, and celebrate with us in Jerusalem.”

Trump on Israel Embassy

ELDER OF ZIYON: Palestinians celebrate security fence collapse because of rain: "Even Mother Nature opposes occupation"

Ma'an reports that Arabs have been heartened by the collapse of small sections of the security barrier from recent major rainfall.

When nature intervenes and sections of the wall are torn apart by torrential rains on Thursday, near the Shu'fat refugee camp in occupied Jerusalem, the "force" of the occupier collapses.
It is as if Mother Nature tells the occupier ... "Your walls and occupation are fleeting  and not getting stronger."
I have not once seen a single Arab commentator say, you know, if we weren't blowing up buses and pizza shops, that wall would never have been built to begin with.

Nor have I ever seen a commentator in Arabic claim that when Hamas tunnels collapse from rain (this used to happen very often to smuggling tunnels to Egypt) that is was a sign from Mother Nature that their tunnels were immoral.

Mike Pompeo: "Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is recognizing reality"

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Trump Unscrambles UN-EU-PLO Misinformation Omelette

Trump’s intention was revealed when the State Department released its annual “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2017” (“Report”)  – renaming its segment previously entitled “Israel and The Occupied Territories” with a new descriptor – “Israel, Golan Heights, West Bank, and Gaza”.
Israel and the Golan Heights are dealt with together in one section of the Report – whilst the West Bank and Gaza are covered in another.
One comma strategically placed in the descriptor – “… West Bank, and Gaza” – identifies them as two separate territorial entities that could involve different solutions.Commas count big time in Middle East diplomacy.
The Report’s new choice of language signals that resolving the Arab-Jewish conflict extends beyond the West Bank and Gaza to also include the Golan Heights and that any end to the conflict will only eventuate with the allocation of sovereignty in all three of these disputed areas.
This ground-breaking replacement of false statements with factual reality needs to be replicated by Trump in other areas of misinformation maliciously spread by the UN, EU and PLO – including:
* Recognition that the term “West Bank” was first used in 1950 and that for 3000 years prior thereto that territory had been called “Judea and Samaria”
* Acknowledgement that the “Palestinian Authority” created by the 1993 Oslo Accords was disbanded by written decree of PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on 3 January 2013.
* Affirmation of the right of the Jewish People to close settlement on land in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in Palestine under the rights vested in them by article 6 of the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine (the 1922 Mandate) – as preserved by article 80 of the United Nations Charter.
* Ending the fiction that the territory of former Palestine stopped at the Jordan River and agreeing that it included the Hashemite Kingdom of TransJordan – 78% of the territory comprised in the 1922 Mandate – which was granted independence by Great Britain in 1946 and subsequently renamed Jordan in 1950.
* Confirming that most of the Golan Heights was included within the 1922 Mandate until Britain ceded the area to France in the Franco-British Agreement of 7 March 1923
* Rebranding the UN and EU designated “Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)” as “The Disputed Territories”
* Agreement that Security Council Resolution 242 does not require Israel’s total withdrawal from Judea and Samaria (West Bank).
Cracking heads by getting all interested parties to adopt an agreed narrative using terms with agreed meanings is crucial in any communications and negotiations between them – if Trump’s long-awaited “ultimate deal” is to not be still born.
Underestimating Trump’s ability to win the Presidential election race against Hillary Clinton in 2016 has seen those who confidently predicted his defeat subsequently engaged in a vitriolic war of attrition in the media trying to convince the electorate that they voted for the wrong candidate.
Yet Trump continues to confound his detractors with impressive gains in both the American economy and foreign affairs.
The State Department Report – in dumping the use of the nomenclature “The Occupied Territories” – has taken one giant step towards ending the decades-long dishonest semantic warfare waged by the PLO, UN and EU.

Trump has once again dumbfounded his malevolent doomsday-pundits – whisking up an omelette that already promises to taste far better than any ever served up by the PLO, UN and EU.
Trump has set himself a Herculean task confronting this sorry state of affairs.
(Author’s note: The cartoon – commissioned exclusively for this article – is by Yaakov Kirschen aka “Dry Bones” –  one of Israel’s foremost political and social commentators – whose cartoons have graced the columns of Israeli and international media publications for decades.)

Haley: Hamas using ‘children as cannon fodder’ in Gaza; Israeli group B'Tselem urges UN 'to protect Palestinian lives'; Israel says it's defending against terror attacks

The US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, lashed out at Hamas Thursday, accusing the Palestinian terror group of “using children as cannon fodder,” following the deaths of dozens of people in clashes with Israeli forces during protests along with border in the Gaza Strip.
“Anyone who truly cares about children in Gaza should insist that Hamas immediately stop using children as cannon fodder in its conflict with Israel,” Haley told a UN Security Council meeting convened to discuss the situation in the Middle East.
Ahead of the meeting, the Israeli rights group B’Tselem urged the Security Council to protect Palestinians taking part in the demonstrations on the border.
In an unusual move, the group’s executive director, Hagai El-Ad, wrote to UN Secretary General António Guterres, saying: “Preventing further loss of life is a responsibility that must be shouldered without delay.”
Hagai El-Ad, executive director of B’Tselem, at a press conference in Tel Aviv, February 5, 2016. (AFP/Jack Guez)
Tens of thousands of Gazans have taken part in Friday protests along the border with Israel, supported by the Hamas, which rules the coastal enclave. Hamas leaders say the ultimate aim of the demonstrations, dubbed “March of Return,” is to see the removal of the border and the liberation of Palestine.
B’Tselem gave a list of names and ages of 35 Palestinians it said were killed by Israel during the demonstrations.
The group described the victims as “unarmed” and said their deaths were “the predictable outcome of the manifestly illegal rules of engagement implemented during the demonstrations, of ordering soldiers to use lethal gunfire against unarmed demonstrators who pose no mortal danger.”
B’Tselem singled out Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman and IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot as being primarily responsible for the deaths.
The group said that any Israeli investigation into the deaths was likely to be “a whitewash,” and would be solely to “forestall and prevent investigations by international bodies.”
The letter ended with a plea to the United Nations to “Do all in its power – and its responsibility – in order to protect Palestinian lives and uphold international norms.”
Hamas acknowledged that five of its terrorists were among the fatalities after the first Friday demonstration, but has since refrained for acknowledging whether its men are among the dead. Israel has identified other fatalities as members of terrorist groups.
Fatalities from the March 30 violence on the Israel-Gaza border identified by Israel as members of terror groups. (Israel Defense Forces)
Hamas also said it considers the weekly “March of Return” rallies — in which protesters have burned tires, hurled firebombs and rocks at Israeli troops, flown flaming kites over the border, and attempted to sabotage the security fence — a pivot toward nonviolence.
The Israeli military, in contrast, has said Hamas is using the protests as cover to damage the border fence and prepare to infiltrate and carry out attacks. There is considerable concern among Israelis of a mass breach, in which Gazans would stream across with terrorists among them, wreaking havoc.
The UN’s special envoy to the region, Nickolay Mladenov, told the council that both Israel and Hamas had to do more to prevent the deaths.
Nickolay Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, poses for a photo during the INSS conference in Tel Aviv, January 30, 2018. (JACK GUEZ/AFP)
“There has also been an increasing number of dangerous incidents at the fence, including the planting of improvised explosive devices — at least one of which has detonated — the throwing of Molotov cocktails, and attempts to breach the fence,” he said.
“Israel must calibrate its use of force and minimize the use of live fire. Lethal force should be used only as a last resort,” he continued. “Hamas and the leaders of the demonstrations must keep protesters away from the Gaza fence and prevent all violent actions and provocations.
The Israeli army says it mainly uses less-lethal means, as well as pinpoint fire against chief instigators. It says its sharpshooters target only those who attack IDF soldiers with stones and Molotov cocktails, actively try to damage the security fence, or attempt to place improvised explosive devices along the security fence that could later be used in attacks against Israeli patrols.
Israel envoy to the United Nations Danny Danon addresses the General Assembly prior to a vote on Jerusalem, on December 21, 2017, at UN Headquarters in New York.
Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, also accused Hamas of using innocents as “human shields.”
“Throughout the riots of the past month, Hamas has used innocent Palestinian women and children as human shields, while they cowered behind in safety,” he said. “The terrorists are hiding while allowing, even hoping, for their people to die. This is evil in its purest form.”
He told the international body that Israel does everything in its power to minimize civilian deaths, but that the main goal of the army was to defend country.
“Israel has an obligation to protect our citizens and we will do so while minimizing civilian casualties to the other side but let me be clear: Israel will never apologize for defending our country,” he said. “It is Hamas that is fully responsible for every Palestinian injury and death that has resulted from these incidents.”