Episode 141: Allison Josephs is joined by Attorney Baruch C. Cohen to explore the topic of Chillul Hashem

BCC’S 26 Rules for the American Orthodox Jew:
1. Keep Your Word - do what you what you say you're going to do
2. When You Make a Promise, Keep It - one day you’ll need a favor returned
3. Document Everything - confirm everything in writing
4. Some Things Aren't for Sale - winning at all costs is not a worthy goal
5. Follow the Rules - be a law-abiding citizen - know the laws - serve on a Jury
6. Know Where to Draw the Line - at any form of dishonest conduct
7. Don't Think You're Smarter than the Law & Won't Get Caught - you will
8. Myth of Shortcuts - work hard; there’s no express elevator to the Penthouse Suite
9. Myth of Perfection - be yourself and give it your best shot; it’ll be ok
10. You’re Not Right Because You’re Orthodox - you’re right because you’re honest
11. Establish Credibility - admit when you're wrong
12. Listen to Your Internal Compass - if it sounds to good to be true, it is;
13. Consult Before Taking Action - not after
14. Believe in Yourself, Act with Courage & Confidence - but never with arrogance
15. Have Courage - be willing to speak up that something isn't right
16. Take Pride in Your Work - the quality of your work often dictates the result
17. Always Finish What You Start - see things through to completion
18. Be Responsible - ie., return phone calls
19. Learn to Say No to New Work You Cannot Handle - know your limitations
20. Be Tough, but Fair - it’s better to be reasonable and fair than for being a pit bull
21. Talk Less and Say More - develop true listening skills
22. Give Unconditionally - with no expectation of receiving anything in return
23. Give and Take (in that order) - Erev Shabbos starts on Sunday or Monday
24. Insert Bais Din Arbitration Clauses in Your Contracts - believe in our Torah
25. Stand up for Judaism & Eretz Yisroel - never apologize about either
26. Pause, Before Pushing “Send” on Emails and Texts - it could save your life