Thursday, December 16, 2010

RABBI DOV FISCHER: I have just signed this petition, and I encourage you to sign it, too:

I have just signed this petition, and I encourage you to sign it, too:
And please do not hesitate to circulate this far and wide.
I attach (below my signature block) my recent commentary on the Olive Tree Initiative (OTI), along with those written by the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles and by Prof. Tammi Rossman-Benjamin of UC Santa Cruz.  You may also wish to visit any of these websites:
You may think to yourself: “I cannot believe that the Jewish Federation of Orange County really would support something so toxic with Jewish money, and that the UCI Hillel Organization would endorse something so toxic.  There must be a mistake.”  Please understand: I have been involved in Jewish community organizations for nearly forty years.  I have seen the American Jewish Congress fight public menorah lightings, going to court to stop Chabad and others from lighting menorahs in public.  I have lived through the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith giving a significant national award to Hugh Hefner for his “courage” in embodying the First Amendment and Free Press by publishing women’s naked photos.  More recently, I have watched the George Soros-funded “J Street” work against the security of the State of Israel, arguing in so many words that, hey, we also are Jews, and we and George Soros only want what’s best.  I have lived through it all and have seen it all.  Well, not “all” – because only G-d knows what tomorrow may bring.
I am joined in my views on this matter by a wide range of Orthodox rabbis throughout the United States, as well as the Simon Wiesenthal Center.  If Jewish parents want their sons or daughters to travel to “Palestine” and Jordan on Rosh Hashanah to attend lectures by trained, professional Palestinian Arab propagandists devoted to destroying Israel as a Jewish state, let them do it on their own dime. It does not matter that the same “Olive Tree” (“OTI”) program also brings them to Israel to hear a wide range of Israeli views on the Israel/”Palestine” question. Rather, OTI simply is not a proper cause for the expenditure of Jewish Federation funds -- whether directly from one Federation account or through a “Rose Project” of Federation that assists Jewish students financially with tzedakah funds to help them pay for their airfare and tuition to attend such OTI programs – during this Great Recession when, everyday, rabbis like me are approached for assistance by Jews in need right here in Irvine and throughout Orange County.  This is worse than odious and abhorrent. In a word, it is . . .
. . .Foolish.
In arriving at this moment, Orange County Jewry now joins other Jewish communities throughout America in formally beginning to ask:  Who exactly are the people who run these “Jewish” community organizations that take our money supposedly to support “our” agenda?  What exactly are their private agendas?  Do these individuals share our core views? Our core values?  Yes, we like their emailed newsletters, and we know they do some real good with some of our funds, for Jewish families, for Jewish singles – but what else are they doing with the rest of our tzedakah, besides the stuff we expect them to be doing?  Who are they?  Who elected them?  What do they privately stand for?  And when do we have a say?
This Petition begins a new chapter in Orange County Jewish history.  It marks Jews in Orange County standing up and saying, “We want accountability for how our tzedakah is spent.”  And if a kid wants to spend Rosh Hashanah in “Palestine,” learning why Israel should cease to exist, let him pay for it – not public tzedakah funds.