Tuesday, December 21, 2010

SERAPHIC SECRET: Harry Potter Actress Beaten and Branded a Prostitute by Her Family After Dating a Non-Muslim…

The only thing notable about this story is that it's being reported.
And the only reason it's being reported is because Ms. Azad is an actress in one of the most popular franchises in movie history.
In fact, all over the Muslim world, every day, every hour, every minute, women are raped, beaten, tortured and murdered all in the name of Islam.
The horrific abuses against women that are part and parcel of the Islamist world are, of course, ignored by the self-righteous guardians of human rights and so-called feminists.
The international left has become a perfect reflection of an Orwellian world where war is peace, hate is love, and good is evil. In fact, the dystopian Ministry of Truth has been institutionalized in that august body of the UN and the various so-called human rights groups that are nothing more than rubber stamps for Jew-hating regimes. The thoughtcrimes of which Orwell warned are now embodied by the leftist narrative. For what is “Islamophobia” but a fantasy invented by Islamists as a way of short-circuiting the means by which the west can articulate and defend itself against the juggernaut of transnational jihad.
The two minutes of hate that were reserved for Emmanuel Goldstein in 1984—it's no accident that Orwell chose a Jew as the symbolic enemy of the collectivist state—has morphed into a 24/7 blood libel against Israel and Judaism.
It's the fashion to attack the Jewish State as an abuser of human rights when in truth Israel is a model of decency and democracy surrounded by Muslim totalitarian states whose social and religious policies are the most oppressive and cruel on the face of the earth.
It's important to understand that the Islamist world and its leftist enablers—groups such as CAIR are fronts for the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas—always couch their arguments in the rhetoric of human rights. But we must vigorously push back and unmask the lies, cruelty and bigotry that are the bedrock of the Islamist movement.
What's happening to Ms. Azad is the norm in the Muslim world. To deny this fact is a crime against women and a crime against humanity.
A Harry Potter actress was beaten, called a ‘slag’ and threatened with death by members of her family after she met a young man who was not a Muslim, a court heard today.
Victim Afshan Azad, 22, played Padma Patil, a classmate of the teenage wizard, in the blockbuster Hollywood films based on the children’s books by JK Rowling.
She was assaulted and branded a ‘prostitute’ after meeting a young Hindu man, a relationship which brought anger from her father, Abul Azad, 53, and brother, Ashraf, 28, Manchester Crown Court heard.
The frightened star, who has featured in four of the popular films, later fled through her bedroom window after threats were made to kill her.
Full story here.