Friday, December 17, 2010

Your help is needed for Jonathan Pollard

December 16, 2010 / 9 Tevet 5711

As you are aware, there has been a significant push over the last few weeks for Jonathan Pollard's release.

The National Council of Young Israel has, for years, taken the lead, and the Agudath Israel of America, RCA, and Orthodox Union, in addition to many prominent other Jewish and non-Jewish organizations, support this initiative and have gone public with their support for Pollard's release. In addition to the Congressional letter (39 members of Congress signed and sent  a letter to President Obama), former Under Secretary of Defense, Dr. Lawrence Korb,  former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Arizona Senator Dennis  DeConcini,  and others have written letters and published articles, calling for Jonathan's release. Elie Wiesel has also  recently written a letter to the President.

There is also a very strong push currently going on in Israel, in Knesset and in the Israel secular and religious media.

Presently, there is  another idea, to have hundreds of  religious and communal leaders sign the  attached  letter to the President asking that he grant clemency to Pollard, now in prison for over a quarter of a century.

As this is an issue of Pidyon Shvuyim, we have received a directive that such a letter is proper.

Rav Herschel Schachter, of Yeshivas Rabbainu Yitzchok Elchanan, Rav Peretz Steinberg, of Young Israel Council of Rabbis Vaad Halacha and others have signed on.  Rabbi Eric Yoffie, Rabbi David Saperstein and Rabbi Dr. David Ellenson of the Reform Movement have signed on.  Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Presidents and Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Weisenthal Center also signed on, as did Pastor John Hagee, of San Antonio, Texas, founder of CUFI, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame, and Conservative Republican leader Gary Bauer.  The letter will contain names of religious leaders from within Judaism and other religions, and numerous community leaders. We believe a letter with hundreds of religious and communal leaders will have an impact with President Obama, as well as with the media.

All rabbis can email David Nyer, senior coordinator of this project, at: confirming that  you  would like to add  your  name to the letter.  Please include your full name, and state, so your name can be added to the list of signatories.

We hope to submit this letter to President Obama very soon.

 Thank you

Rabbi Pesach Lerner
Executive Vice President
National Council of Young Israel