Sunday, February 20, 2011

SERAPHIC SECRET: Freedom in the Arab World Means Freedom to Persecute Jews

Love the freedom movement sweeping through the Arab world?
Let's discard the gauzy, romantic narratives as presented in such propaganda as The Battle of Algiers.
The freedom Arab Muslims seek is not the Jeffersonian democracy we in the West value, but the Islamist version of freedom, namely the freedom to hate and persecute Jews.
In Tunisia, a mob of freedom-loving Muslims howl murderous slogans outside a synagogue. And hey, there's nothing as democratic as a lynch mob, right?
The mob is shouting, natch, “Allah Akhbar,” and “Remember Khaybar, O' Jews.”
Khaybar is a battle fought in 629 in which Muhammad slaughtered a whole Jewish tribe in Medina.
Here at Seraphic Secret we're waiting for President Obama to express his pride and pleasure because let's face it, this behavior should be warm and fuzzily familiar to a man who spent over 20-years as a faithful member of Jeremiah Wright's anti-Israel, Jew-hating church.
Have you noticed that adorable way Obama keeps referring to “real change” in the Middle East. His abuse of language is rivaled only by Soviet style newspeak.
For the record: Jews have lived in Tunisia since Roman times. Pre-1948, the Jewish population of Tunisia was approximately 110,000. During the 1950s, due to Muslim Jew-hatred and persecution, half the Jews left for Israel and the other half for France.
Today there are just 700 Jews living in Tunis and 1,000 on the island of Djerba.
Obviously, that's 1,700 too many Jews for the freedom loving Tunisians.
On April 11, 2002, a truck packed with explosives was detonated at the El Ghriba synagogue in the village of Hara Sghira on Djerba. Twenty-one people were murdered including fourteen German tourists and two Frenchmen. Over thirty people were wounded.
Al Qaeda proudly claimed responsibility for the atrocity.
In one generation Tunisia will be Judenrein, making the Arab Muslim world—save for 2,000 frightened Jews in Morocco—one giant apartheid state.
Tunisian Jewish couple, 1900.
History is a reliable and common sense guide to the fate of Jews in Muslim countries.
After achieving freedom from colonial France in 1962, the NLF expelled almost the entire population of 140,000 Algerian Jews.
The Jewish community of Algeria, ancient and proud, traced its roots back to the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE.
In the 1990's, the Armed Islamic Group declared war on all non-Muslims in the country, and the feeble remnants of the Algerian community fled that blighted land and the last Algerian synagogue abandoned.
So the next time you hear someone wax lyrical about freedom in the Arab Muslim world, remember that that freedom is just another permutation of a totalitarian, Jew-hating state.