Wednesday, May 11, 2011

LAZERBEAMS: Rav Wolfson on the Death of Bin Laden

In a recent lecture, Rav Moshe Wolfson shlit'a, the esteemed mashgiach (spiritual Dean) of Yeshivat Torah V'Daas said that the fall of a nation is preceded by the fall of it's sar, or administering angel. Once the sar falls, then the nation will fall. This is based on the Zohar (section 2, page 18a - LB) which says that what the Jews saw on the banks of the Red Sea suf was the sar of Egypt dying. Yishmael has 12 sarim (plural for "sar").
Rav Wolfson was also quoted as saying (on Monday after morning prayers), "Osama bin Ladin, being the biggest danger to the entire world, had the biggest sar of Yishmael. During these past few weeks as we saw so many entrenched arab leaders, heirs of Yishmael, fall, it is apparent that their defending sar has already fallen and they will continue their downfalls. It is a great thing when sarim fall. The Princes of Yishmael are falling. Bin Laden had their biggest sar. The way the Maharal puts it, he does not have to be a direct descendant of Yishmael. Bin Laden is from the culture of Yishmael."
The Mashgiach goes on to reference the Zohar which says that when Moshiach comes there will be 2 seven day Passovers - Pesach Mitzrayim, like we have now, and Pesach Moshiach, the Passover of Moshiach. Pesach Moshiach will start on the last day of our current Passover - Pesach Mitzrayim - and will celebrate the miracles involved in the coming of Moshiach.  This is why the haftorah on the last day of Passover deals with Moshiach.  Pharoah's final fall was on the last day of Passover. Bin Ladin was killed on last day of this second Passover, the Passover of Moshiach!  It also happened during the second week of Counting of the Omer, which corresponds to stern judgment, or gevura.
The article that was forwarded to me ends with another quote from the Mashgiach. "The time is very auspicious.  The sitra achra (Dark Side) is falling. The Gemara says that when the ox falls down, slaughter him then and there.  The sitra achracan now be removed. If Jews will concentrate on serving Hashem, purity, and holiness, we can bring the Geula - the full Redemption of our people - because the time is opportune for it."