Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a United States Haredi rabbi, is an activist and spokesman for a branch of Neturei Karta, an anti-Zionist grouping of Haredi Jews. Based in Monsey, New York, he believes that observant Jews should peacefully oppose the existence of the Israeli state: “It would be forbidden for us to have a State, even if it would be in a land that is desolate and uninhabited.”
Following their Holocaust Denial Week at the University of California Irvine, the Muslim Students Association planned a gala anti-Israel event, featuring some of the superstars of hate speech and antisemitism. Blogger Reut Cohen found the schedule on Facebook: Next Week: Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitism Week at UCI. It’s beyond outrageous that the administration of this school has allowed such evil hatred to take root on their campus. They should be thrown out and investigated.