CAMERA's West Coast director Talia Shulman Gold described to the packed house the critical work of CAMERA in combating media bias against Israel and introduced the featured speaker Baruch Cohen as a "brilliant trial attorney - one of the hottest rising stars in the Los Angeles legal community, described by judges and fellow counsel as aggressive, tenacious fearless and cunning." She explained that the State of Israel stands wrongfully accused in the courtroom of public opinion. Armed with lies, blood libels, distortions and classic anti-Semitic canards, the legion of Israel-bashers continues to grow at an alarming rate. Mr. Cohen, had enough of the misinformation & negative assault on Israel and decided to take action. So he created a powerful powerpoint presentation to present to Jewish and Christian audiences to impeach the Palestinian lies against Israel, as if the audience were a court of law and jury. Cohen submitted admissible evidence (not propaganda) to impeach Israel's defamers, with compelling open and closing arguments in defense of Israel. Ms Shulman Gold proclaimed that Mr Cohen's presentation courageously stands in solidarity with Israel: channeling his aggressive zealous advocacy on behalf of Israel. Defending the state of Israel's: right to exist, right to protect her citizens from terrorism, right to defend her borders from hostile enemies. Prosecuting and impeaching Israel's defamers. Employing his trademark trial skills, Cohen defended against this vicious assault cogently, effectively and irrefutably and explained why making the case for Israel is more critical than ever.
During the hour-long presentation, Cohen irrefutably impeached the following 10 lies of the Palestinians (lies that were compiled by the David Horowitz Freedom Center): (i) The Jews have little connection to Israel, (ii) the Koran describes Jerusalem as holy to Islam, (iii) the Temple Mount is not Jewish, (iv) Israel Occupies Arab Palestine, (v) Israel is an Apartheid State, (vi) the Arabs want Peace and a state of their own, (vii) the Holocaust was Europe's problem and the Palestinians had no involvement in it, (viii) Israel's security fence is an Apartheid Wall, (ix) Israel is the cause of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, & (x) Israel commits war crimes by killing innocent Palestinian civilians. While discussing the brave people of Sderot who endure hundreds of Kassam rockets from Gaza, Mr. Cohen showed the audience an actual exploded Kassam rocket that he obtained from United With Israel and Rockets to Roses, that Hamas fired into Sderot.
For more information on having Mr. Cohen speak at your event, please contact him directly at 323-937-4501, or at Baruch Cohen is an accomplished and aggressive civil trial attorney representing wrongful death, personal injury and business matters before the Los Angeles Superior Courts, the U.S. District Courts, the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts and before Bais Dins across the country. Mr. Cohen was recently admitted to appear before the United States Supreme Court and is a member of the prestigious "Million Dollar Trial Attorneys Group" an association of trial lawyers who have recovered at least $1,000,000 for their clients.
Civil trial attorney Baruch C. Cohen: "Defending the State of Israel; Impeaching the Lies."
A portion of the packed house at Congregation Beth Jacob in Beverly Hills.
Approximately 300+ pro-Israel supporters attended.
After the presentation, Mr Cohen fielded many questions and comments from Jewish and non-Jewish attendees.
(L-R) Civil trial attorney Baruch C. Cohen, CAMERA West Coast Director Talia Shulman Gold, Shellie & Steven Weinstock