Rav Elyashiv remains in critical condition at Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center, where he has been hospitalized for many weeks now.
Rav Elyashiv underwent a procedure back on March 12 to address his failing kidney, and doctors said that while the procedure may have to be repeated a number of times, it was successful. He remains, however, is serious condition and is on need of rachamei Shomayim.
Born on Rosh Chodesh Nissan Tof Reish Ayin, April 10, 1910, Rav Elyashiv is a grandson of Rav Shlomo Elyashiv zt”l, the Leshem, who was niftar in 1925 and hailed from Šiauliai, Lithuania. His father was Rav Avraham of Homel and his mother was Rebbetzin Chaya Moussa, daughter of the Leshem. His wife, who passed away in June, 1994, was a daughter of Rav Aryeh Levin zt”l, the “Tzaddik of Yerushalayim.”
Rav Elyashiv and his Rebbetzin had eleven children. His daughters’ husbands include Rav Chaim Kanievsky; Rav Yosef Yisroel Yisraelson zt”l; Rav Elchonon Berlin, rov of the Achva shul; Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, rov of Ramat Elchanan (whose wife was nifteres and who has since remarried); Rav Ezriel Auerbach; and Rav Binyomin Rimmer, a rosh yeshiva at the Tshebiner Yeshiva and at Yeshiva Kiryas Melech in Bnei Brak.
One of Rav Elyashiv’s daughters was killed in 1948 by Jordanian shelling.
When Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman was once asked if there is anyone in our generation who understands Kabbolah, Rav Steinman thought for a while, and then nodded his head and answered affirmatively. He was then asked who it is, and after a moment’s silence, Rav Steinman answered, “Rav Elyashiv.”
The halachic rulings and insights of Rav Elyashiv have been published in severalseforim. The multi-volume Kovetz Teshuvos contains teshuvos from questions asked of him over many years. Many of his drashos and chiddushim, most dating from the 1950s, were collected and published as Divrei Aggadah. Another work that includes his p’sakim is titled “Yashiv Moshe.” These works were not written by Rav Elyashiv himself, but were compiled by his relatives and talmidim.
May Hakadosh Boruch Hu give Rav Elyashiv kochos and gezunt to continue leading Klal Yisroel for many, many more years, amidst good health.
Klal Yisroel is asked to continue davening for Rav Yosef Shalom ben Chaya Musha.