Monday, June 25, 2012
Chazak Amenu - We stand as one
The stirring original English/Hebrew anthem recorded by over 50 Jewish Music artists including *Abie Rotenberg *Avraham Fried *Avraham Rosenblum of Diaspora *Beat'achon *Blue Fringe *Bsamim *C Lanzbom *The Chevra *Dan Nichols of Eighteen *David Ross *Dov Levine *Dudu Fisher *Eli Gerstner *Elli Kranzler of Dveykus *Gershon Veroba *Gili Houpt of Remez *Hamsa Boys *Ira Heller *Joe Black *Kenny Karen *Kol Achai *Kol B'seder: Jeff Klepper Dan Freelander *Kol Zimra *Lenny Solomon of Shlock Rock *Lev Tahor *Mah Tovu *Matt Turk *Mayer Davis *Michael HarPaz *Michael Ian Elias *Neshoma Orchestra *Noah Solomon of Soul Farm *Nochum Stark *Ophie Nat *Paul Zim *Rick Recht *Safam *Sam Glaser *Sandy Shmuely *Sean Altman *Shloime Dachs *Shlomo Simcha *Shoresh *Steve Dropkin *Yehuda! *Yehuda Glantz *Yehuda Solomon and The Moshav Band *Yehudah Katz and Reva L'sheva *Yishay Lapidot of Oif Simchas *Yisroel Williger *Yom Hadash *Yossi Green *Yosi Piamenta Another highlight is "Shir Lismoach (Malki's Song)," written by 15 year old Malki Roth just months before she was killed in the Jerusalem Sbarro restaurant bombing.
Jewish music