The anti-Israel billboard campaign has hit New York
with 100 billboards placed throughout NY & CT Metro North train stations
As always, StandWithUs will respond, and the anti-Israel messages will not get a free pass. StandWithUs did the same thing in September 2011, when anti-Israel ads appeared in NYC subway stations.
Throughout the United States, anti-Israel groups have put up billboards calling for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, claiming Israel stole Palestinian land and blaming Israel for the lack of peace.
From Seattle to San Francisco and from Denver to Washington State and Washington, DC, these billboards are meant to demonize Israel and misinform the public.
Last September, anti-Israel billboards appeared in the New York City subway system in Times Square, Penn Station, Columbus Circle, and more. Just last week, we found out that there were over 100 anti-Israel billboards spread throughout the Metro-North Railroad system in Westchester County.
Anti-Israel Billboard
In response, StandWithUs will put up its own informative pro-Israel billboards to set the record straight about the Jewish connection to Israel and to inspire people by educating them about how Israel makes the world a better place. The billboards will direct viewers to StandWithUs websites like
At StandWithUs, our goal is to strengthen Israel`s voice around the world. We have been doing this for 11 years, and now we have 15 offices in locations worldwide.