First, let me thank the hundreds of freedom lovers who emailed, tweeted, FB'ed and commented on my request for input on our counter campaign for truth. Atlas readers' knowledge about the quran is enormously impressive. Your input was invaluable.
As you know, Hamas-CAIR had unveiled a new ad campaign citing quran (albeit an abrogated verse) to counter our anti-jihad ads now running on DC Metro platforms.
Citing quran is indeed a brilliant idea. So brilliant, in fact, that I decided that that would be our next advertising-education initiative. The objective of the new AFDI ad campaign is to educate millions about the ideology behind the tens of thousands of deadly Islamic attacks since 911, the brutal oppression and subjugation of non-Muslims, secular Muslims and women, and the 1,400 years of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements.
After much consideration (there are so many vile texts to choose from) and terrific input from Atlas readers who tweeted, commented, emailed and posted at Facebook, the above ad will initiate the new AFDI truth campaign. We intend for it to be the first in an ongoing series.
What a wonderful way to educate millions of Americans on what is actually in that book. We hope to feature all of the verses (that have not been abrogated or cancelled) that call for jihad and the sharia. Yes, this will go on for years.
On abrogation: Islamic scholar Ibn Warraq, on abrogation page 115, Why I am Not a Muslim:
"Now we see how useful and convenient the doctrine of abrogation is in bailing scholars out of difficulties. Of course, it does pose a problem for apologists of Islam, since all the passages preaching tolerance are found in the Meccan, i.e., early suras, and all the passages recommending killing, decapitating, and maiming are Median, i.e., later: "tolerance" has been abrogated by "intolerance." For example, the famous verse at Sura 9.5, "Slay the idolaters wherever you find them," is said to have canceled 124 verses that dictate tolerance and patience." and... Ibn Warraq, page 11,Why I am Not a Muslim: The term "Islamic fundenentalist" is in itself inappropriate, for there is a vast difference between Christianity and Islam. Most Christians have moved away from the literal interpertation of the Bible; for most of them, "it ain't necessaraly so." Thus we can legitmately distinguish between fundamentalist and nonfundamentalist Christians. But Muslims have not moved away from the literal interpretaion of the Koran; all Muslims-not just a group we have called "fundamentalist"-believe that the Koran is literally the word of God."
Islamic supremacists and their apologists will say that Deuteronomy and other Biblical books have violent passages as well. However, nowhere do the Jewish or Christian Scriptures tell all believers in general to wage war against unbelievers as such. Only the Qur'an contains such passages. Also, Islam, unlike Judaism and Christianity, has never gone through a period of reformation and enlightenment either involving or resulting in any thoroughgoing reevaluation of the literal sense of its sacred texts. This is why you do not see Jews or Christians slaughtering unbelievers and justifying their actions by quoting their Scriptures, while Muslims around the world do this with depressing frequency.
And as David Wood of Answering Muslims points out," Surah 7 (quoted in the CAIR ad) is a middle Meccan Surah, meaning it was "revealed" to Muhammad when he was still a persecuted "prophet" in Mecca with only a few dozen followers. The "revelations" he received during this time called for peace, not because Islam promotes peace, but because Muslims were in the minority. Later, when Muslims formed a majority, Muhammad's "revelations" suddenly called for the violent subjugation of all non-Muslims (see 9:29, for instance, which was "revealed" shortly before Muhammad's death).
Interestingly, the context of the verse quoted by CAIR is a collection of condemnations of the religious beliefs of the polytheists of Mecca (see 7:190-198, for instance, which immediately precede 7:199). Why is this important? Because groups like CAIR assure us that it's wrong and immoral to criticize the religious beliefs of others. Yet they go to the most peaceful period in Muhammad's career, and even here we find Muhammad condemning the beliefs of others!