Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Farrakhan’s Fiery New Warning to USA: ‘Every Plague Written in Koran is Going to Come to Pass’

Minister Louis Farrakhan has become known for his often-cryptic warnings about the calamity that he believes Allah will inflict upon America. On Sunday, in a speech he delivered at Bojangles’ Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina, the fiery faith leader issued yet another warning to the audience of 6,000, telling them that “every plague that is written in the Koran is going to come to pass in America.”
From advice for President Barack Obama to words of encouragement for Muslims and the Islamic world, Farrakhan was filled with advice and proclamations delivered with his version of love and kindness - and, at moments, with rage. At one point, while discussing what he claims will befall America, Farrakhan could barely contain himself, as he was so impassioned that he slammed his hand numerous times on the podium in front of him.
“All of the punishments that are written in the Koran never came to pass in the time of Prophet Muhammad…never - but every plague - every plague that is written in the Koran is going to come to pass in America under the modern Pharaoh, in the modern Rome, in the modern Babylon, in the modern Sodom and Gomorrah - take it or let it alone,” he proclaimed.
These statements come on the heels of other similar sentiments that the preacher has spewed. In July, he told a separate audience in Chicago, Illinois, that America is crumbling as a result of the nation’s purportedly “imperial” ways and mistreatment of mankind.