Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Dry Bones Passover Haggadah by Yaakov Kirschen

Dry Bones cartoonist, Yaakov Kirschen, passionately dreams to create a Haggadah; The one illustrated book in every Jewish home.
For the past 40 years, My Dry Bones cartoons have been the comic strip of the Jewish people, I've used  the internationally syndicated cartoon to comment humorously on the news of the day since 1973.
This coming year is Dry Bones' 40th Anniversary! And to mark the occasion, I want to fulfill my dream to create a Dry Bones Passover Haggadah, but to do it I'll need your help.
Why a Passover Haggadah ?  Passover, especially in these days of scattered families is a time to try to be together.The Passover Haggadah is unique. It is an illustrated ritual/cultural book that is found in most Jewish homes. 
Why is This Haggadah Different From All Other Haggadahs? Haggadahs, are distinguished by either their artwork or their commentary. In the Dry Bones Passover Haggadah, the artwork is the commentary.  I foresee the Haggadah as being between 90-100 pages, in Hebrew and English.
Rewards:  You can partner with me for any amount, from $1 to $1,500 or more, and In return for your backing, I''ve got a list of neat stuff to send you a thank you for your help.. 
SPECIAL REWARD: an unprotected, unblocked PDF of the Haggadah  If we can raise the funds by November 16th,  It will enable me to write and draw the haggadah , I'll get immediately  to work, and one of the rewards I'd then like to send you is an unprotected, unblocked PDF of the Haggadah for you to print out and enjoy by this coming Passover!.
My main characters: Uncle Shuldig and his dog, Doobie.
My main characters: Uncle Shuldig and his dog, Doobie.
If you are a fan of the Dry Bones cartoons, you know that my main character is Mr. Shuldig. He's often shown sitting in his favorite easy chair.
Shuldig in his easy chair
Shuldig in his easy chair
Paper "Cut out" Rewards? I have a grandson who lives off in New Jersey. When I'm with him I entertain him with a secret hobby I've had for years. I create cut out and put-together paper models of buildings, vehicles, and animals. So when I tried to think of unique rewards  for your backing I thought of creating for you a paper Uncle Shuldig to sit on your Seder table with our Haggadah in his hands.
Cut-out and put-together Uncle Shuldig for YOUR table
Cut-out and put-together Uncle Shuldig for YOUR table

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Below are some sample Haggadah pages:
Sample Page
Sample Page

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 A final Note:  In Every Generation we gather together at Passover to form a link with the generations that have gone by and with the generations yet to come. Our Dry Bones Haggadah will speak to the generations of the future long after we are gone.
But I can't do it without your help!