Friday, October 12, 2012

The Kosov Rebbe's Vort on Parshas Breishis

The Torah is a continuous cycle. As such, the last Parshah leads directly into the first Parshah. This week, the Kosover Rebbe offers us a timely insight that demonstrates this. 

 Sukkos, and the spiritual wave of the Yomin Noraim, is behind us. Though it is easy to fall back to our old habits, a new beginning is possible, even as we return to the humdrum of our daily routines.  The words that conclude and begin the Torah send us this message.  
The final words of the Torah, in Parshas V’Zos Habrachah, mention “the great thing that Moshe did” - “L’Einei Kol Yisrael,” (“before the eyes of all of Yisrael”). Rashi comments on these words that they refer to the breaking of the Luchos. He continues by saying that Hashem not only agreed with this action, but told Moshe “Yasher Koach.”
Chazal tell us that as Moshe concluded his period of forty days in Shomayim, Hashem told him to go back down because Klall Yisrael had done something terrible. Hashem did not even want to send down the Luchos at that point; Moshe, however, wanted top bring them. Chazal say that Hashem pulled the Luchos up toward heaven, while Moshe tugged them down towards earth. Ultimately, Moshe succeeded, and as we know, the sight that greeted him when he arrived was that of Klall Yisrael with the Eigel. In response to their utter disrespect towards Hashem, Moshe shattered the Luchos.
How could he react to their behavior by breaking the Luchos – an act which seems to disrespect Hashem as well? And even more puzzling, why did Hashem agree with his actions and even thank him for them?
When Moshe saw the Eigel he found himself in a bad spot. He had thought he’d done a positive act by bringing the Luchos, but when he saw the depths to which Bnei Yisrael sunk, he realized it was not so. Furthermore, he realized that there was now a great disparity between himself and his nation: they had sinned, and he had not. His response was therefore to shatter the Luchos. They had done a disgrace, and now, so had he. Later, Hashem told him that He wanted to eliminate Klall Yisrael, saving only Moshe. Moshe responded that he had done something wrong as well; he’d broken the Luchos. He wanted to remain with his brothers, no matter what.
Rashi, on the words “L’Einei Kokl Yisrael,” tells us that Hashem wished him “Yasher Koach” because He agreed with Moshe’s intentions. He understood that his motivation in bringing the Luchos and then shattering them was out of concern and solidarity with Klall Yisrael. The word which follows immediately after is “Bereishis” – a new beginning. Hashem was telling Moshe that no matter what had happened, his good intentions had paved the way for a new beginning.
This is a message to keep in mind as we begin the year anew. We had great intentions during the last month. Now is the time to put them into practice. Hashem knows they were sincere, and will therefore pave the way for our new beginning with success.
Have a wonderful Shabos