Friday, June 7, 2013

ELDER OF ZIYON: Today's antisemitism from Palestine News Network

This op-ed tries really had to pretend to be only against Zionists, but its illustrative photo indicates its true target:

Yes, it is time for the (haredi) Jews to take over the Arab world again!
Zionism is the problem of this era, a cancer of the Islamic nation, ...(whose policy is) mostly based on the demolition and weakening the Arab and Islamic worlds. Allah Almighty says of them "Every time they [the Jews] kindled the fire of war [against you], Allah extinguished it. And they strive throughout the land [causing] corruption, and Allah does not like corrupters."(Table 64)
A Koranic quote about how evil Jews are is always a nice touch.
The Zionist enemy seeks to create economic and political crises to many countries with different interests, specifically Egypt. We will find there are serious problems that threaten the security and stability and growth of Egypt, and these problems of the dam which is located in Ethiopia located on the Blue Nile, which is still under construction and upon completion of its establishment will become the largest hydroelectric dam in the African continent, and the world's tenth largest dams for electricity production.

The question that arises here, this poor country which does not have the financial capabilities available for the establishment of such a large project, which is considered one of the world's poorest countries, where does it get such financial support? What is the purpose of supporting a country as Ethiopia?

...The Zionist enemy follows the policy of successful economic warfare I've previously discussed, and showed them that the Islamic world in general and Palestinians in particular follow the same economic policy if they want progress and growth. There are large-scale projects in most countries of the world from the cultivation of cotton in Uzbekistan to water in Ethiopia, and here the Zionist enemy is trying to use economic strength to wear down economic powers of neighboring countries.

[next few paragraphs on how Israel is using Ethiopia to divert the waters of the Nile away from Egypt to help destroy that country.]
Finally, after trying mightily to avoid saying the J-word, the writer can't stop himself any more:
We ask God Almighty to foil their evil schemes against the Islamic nation, (as there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,) and [we ask Allah to] cleanse the land of Palestine from defiled Jews and their supporters, and to support the mujahideen everywhere in Burma, Syria, Palestine, ...and may this century herald the era of the beginning of Islamic Renaissance, God willing.
I want to once again stress that the existence of Jew-hatred in the mainstream Palestinian Arab media every once in a while is not necessarily such a problem - if other Arabs would be upset. The problem is thecomplete absence of a counter-narrative in the Arab world - virtually never does one see any comments or talkbacks that say, "hey, you do know you are advocating genocide against Jews, which is just a slight violation of human rights, don't you?"

While the entire Arab world might not be as explicit in their goals as this writer, they are simply not exposed to anything positive about Jews, except in the nostalgic sense of remembering how nice the Jews who were ethnically cleansed from their countries 60 years ago were.

As I have been emphasizing recently, Arab antisemitism is a human rights issue, yet it has been completely ignored by the major human rights organizations. If you haven't done it yet, please sign the petition I set up to pressure Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to fulfill their own mandates and condemn an upcoming blockbuster antisemitic TV series that will potentially reach hundreds of millions of Arabs.