This footage of Moslem hatred and incitement was proudly taken by a Moslem on the Temple Mount and originally uploaded by the Arab website The original title in Arabic, "تصدي المرابطين في المسجد الاقصى لاستفزاز احد المتدينين اليهود بعد محاولته الوصول للساحات الداخلية " translates roughly as "A response to a single Jew who attempted to enter the Temple Mount."
The welcome committee of hate is organized and sponsored by Raed Salah abu shakra antisemitic hate-monger and head of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel.
While it can be acknowledged that the police presence most definitely prevented a lynching, their utter passivity is shameful. This is not an isolated incident. It has become the standard reception every Jew receives upon entering the Temple Mount in recent months. The presence of large numbers of Moslems on the Temple Mount due to Ramadan has escalated the violence and incitement against Jews. In the face of this abuse and even occasional physical violence against the Jewish visitors, the police do nothing. The perpetrators are protected instead of prosecuted, and the Jews are removed or even arrested, and the Mount is closed to Jewish visitors.
It is the most basic and profound right of Jews to enter and to pray upon the Temple Mount - the site of the Holy Temple - the holiest place on earth according to Torah truth. Israel's failure to guarantee this right is reprehensible.