Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Let the Jordan Run" Temple Mount Music Video #LetJewsPray

Our nation is praying for our boys, and, for the most exalted prayer, Jews assemble at the Kotel. But why settle for the outer wall? The most exalted prayer is not at the Kotel. The most exalted prayer is at the Temple Mount, our holiest site.

There is one problem. Jews are not allowed to pray there. The Wakf, which is the Muslim authority granted de facto control of the Temple Mount by the Israeli government since 1967, places strict restrictions on Jewish movement on the Temple Mount. Non-Muslims can ascend through only one gate at specific, inconvenient hours, while Muslims can ascend anytime from eleven gates; Jews are not allowed to even mouth words silently. Often, Jews are supervised by the Waqf, in tandem with Israeli police. Jewish visitors sometimes face intimidation in the form of Islamic chants intolerantly uttered by those for whom the mere presence of a Jew is an insult.

We had the Temple Mount in our hands, and we gave it away. Why can't Israelis and Jews worldwide claim what is most precious to them? Why can't we hold on to what it is we really want, in our hearts? Why all the self-denial? We tiptoe around world opinion, fear of terror, and a desire to be accommodating, giving up what is rightfully ours and giving in to bloodthirsty terrorists.

This attitude permeates Israeli culture, crippling our government's response to enemies it must crush, to enemies that want to repeat the Holocaust...the same people who mercilessly and joyously abducted our children.

"Let the Jordan Run," a parody of the beautiful, empowering anthem "Let the River Run" by legendary Carly Simon, calls for Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount, freedom of Jewish worship, and the end to the bullying of Jews. Get a little more background, here.

I felt very comforted as I made this video. The beautiful stars in the video are from "Students of the Mount," a movement of Israeli students, secular and religious, who just get it. They are our future leaders. The give me faith in our future.

Enjoy and share this video, and come run with us....Next time you're in Jerusalem, go to the Mount, where our prayers will really be answered, because that prayer will also be the ultimate act of defiance against the enemies of the Jews.