Many people are dissecting what they have chosen to term Israel’s “delusions of moral superiority” following the appalling murder of Muhammed Abu Khdeir.
The fact is that the disgust expressed by the entire Jewish people and the entire nation of Israel, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres, and the unified condemnation by the entire Israeli government of this one (1) Arab teenage boy’s disgraceful, inexcusable murder speaks volumes about the intact moral compass of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.
Equally, the delight, the public celebrations, the official Palestinian Arab government support and the joyful three-fingered salutes by young children that accompanied the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli Jewish teenagers Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach – the inexcusable brutal act that preceded and directly sparked this inexcusable brutal act – speak volumes about the deranged moral compass of Palestinian Arab society.
We also have to remember that none of this started with the killing of those three Israeli schoolboys: there are countless hundreds of young Israeli Jewish victims of Palestinian Arab barbarity over the years, some as young as a few months old, all deliberately targeted simply for being Jewish. The most recent such abhorrent Arab crime targeting an Israeli, Shelley Dadon, simply because she was Jewish, took place in May 2014 and her Arab killer was recently brought to justice.
There is a difference too in that no streets or public squares, no schools or computer centres, no sports arenas or soccer teams will be named in “honour” of Muhammed Abu Khdeir’s despicable murderers, whatever their ethnicity, religion, nationality or motivation. In the Jewish state as in the Jewish psyche, murder is illegal and abhorrent. No ifs, no buts, no explanations, no excuses. And definitely no cause for public celebration in the streets.
The families of the murderers will not be paid a lifetime pension (see also here, here and here) by the Israeli government. That, however, is exactly what happens with Palestinian Arab mass-murderers, whose own income and that of their families stands in direct proportion to the number of civilian Jews they succeed in killing. The incitement, the racism, the active encouragement to violence by the Palestinian Arab government and its various institutions is the source of this vile climate, and a dangerously naive world community provides the international funding that makes possible this corruption of an entire generation of Palestinian Arab children – children who are already shouldering the responsibilities of adulthood and taking with them these attitudes into positions of political, commercial and religious leadership.
So in all the perfectly understandable soul-searching following this most recent sequence of tragedies, in which Palestinian Arab society has yet again perpetrated and celebrated the kidnapping and murder of children and the consequential one-off kidnapping and murder of an Arab child in a disgustingly misguided tit-for-tat act of retaliation, keep sight of what this whole desperate situation is actually about: the insatiable penchant of the Palestinian Arabs for Jewish blood. From the 1929 massacre of Jews in Hebron to today (see also here, here, here, here and here).
Therefore, enough talk about this misguided concept of “moral superiority”. The world judges the Jewish state and the Jewish people by a totally different standard – and this is a nasty, primitive racist attitude.
Of course, that racism of which the world community is guilty may actually be of a different kind altogether: people expect Jews and the Jewish state to behave in a more “civilised”, “enlightened” and “acceptable” way than the Arab neighbours that surround Israel. A kind of “they don’t know any better and they’re not capable of any better, so we might just as well get used to the Arabs’ primitive behaviour”. Well, that’s despicable racism too. Because this is 2014, and every one of us is capable of civilised behaviour. To have low expectations of an entire ethnicity, nationality or religion simply because you don’t believe they are capable of any better is genuine, died-in-the-wool racism.
And that’s unacceptable. In the terrible situation caused by Palestinian Arab racism towards Jews, we need to acknowledge Palestinian Arab racism for what it is and stop condoning the world community’s eager embrace of that racism: racism aimed at the Jewish state because it is inexcusable to hold Jews to a higher standard, and racism aimed at the Palestinian Arabs because it is equally inexcusable to hold Arabs to a lower standard.
Because ultimately it is actual behaviour each and every day that counts. This one (1) single disgraceful aberration by the killers of Muhammed Abu Khdeir stands in stark contrast to the decades-long despicable behaviour of the PA and its various illusionary “partners for peace”. The PA has deliberately and carefully crafted a violent, racist, misogynistic, anti-democratic, corrupt and genocidal society over the years – all funded by the UN, EU and US.
Now, an exposé of THAT issue would be an interesting and relevant article to read.