Above and above right: The poster. Please click to enlarge.
Neturei Karta Publishes Anti-Haredi-Soldiers Poster Depicting Haredi Soldiers As Hellenist Greek Pigs
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
Arutz Sheva reports that Neturei Karta, the vehemently anti-Zionist haredi sect, has published a new poster against haredi IDF soldiers for Hanukkah.
The haredi soldiers are shown as the “Hellenists of our generation” and one is depicted as a pig riding on top of an elephant, just as Hellenist Greek army officers did during the war remembered in the observance of Hanukkah.
The main slogan in the poster calls haredi soldiers vermin: “Who are Hellenists at this time? Every child knows: These hardakim [haredi vermin].”
A group of haredi soldiers are depicted chanting: “Torah is not kosher, no no, we do not have tzniut [modesty], no no, that licentiousness is our company and the sword is our pride, it is our hope to help our government campaign to introduce Hellenism to our generation, and we have no part in the God of our fathers.”
The bottom of the poster reportedly contains text loosely based on the “Al HaNissim” Hanukkah prayer: “When the conviction was given on your people Israel to forget Your Torah and break Your laws and Your will…within a fence around fences is a garden of roses [– i.e., being extra careful to distance yourself from immodest or questionable behavior is where the garden of roses, God, is to be found].”