[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 18, 2017]
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Palestinian Media Watch has shown that Fatah promotes a "the-land-needs-your-blood" ideology, even to children:
"Teach your children...
there is a seed in the soil
if you water it with blood,
it will sprout a revolution"
[Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page ," Jan. 6, 2014]
During the terror wave of 2015-2016, PMW noted that at times the PA was promoting this like a Palestinian cult of blood worship and "Martyrdom". After a terrorist was killed, the official PA daily reported:
"[Palestinians] insisted on perfuming themselves with the Martyr's blood... The residents of Jerusalem looked at the blood spots which were still on the ground and on the water which turned slightly red from it, formed a circle and recited the [Quranic Sura] Al-Fatiha for the Martyr's [soul]."
[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 15, 2015]
When a terrorist murderer had stabbed two Israelis to death, PA official Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh, Laila Ghannam described the morning as one "fragranced by the blood of the Martyrs":
"Palestine's morning
A morning fragranced by the blood of the Martyrs
The morning of wounded Jerusalem
Have a morning of pride and honor"
[Facebook, "Friends of Dr. Laila Ghannam," Oct. 4, 2015]
Fatah has often repeated the slogan that Palestinians must water the land with their blood to achieve Fatah's political goals, as in this post on Facebook earlier this year:
Posted text: "Fatah means full readiness to sacrifice and faith in Allah, and afterwards in the inevitable victory, in the justice of the cause, and in the national unity.
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 4, 2017]