Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SERAPHIC SECRET: They Came for Juan Williams, They're Coming for You

This Islamist is not a radical. He is an NPR leftist.
I've been calling it National Palestinian Radio for years.

The firing of Juan Williams—with whom I usually disagree, but have always respected—by NPR is notable, not because a liberal has been thrown under the bus by leftists, this is par for the course for the predatory left.
Most important is the leading role played by CAIR, a Muslim Brotherhood front, in the firing of Williams and his harrowing demonization.
CAIR, a Hamas supporting, sharia-yearning mob disguised as a Muslim civil rights group, are in the midst of merging with the American left in their jihad against America.
Thus, it's no surprise that Kieth Ellison, (Democrat, naturally, MN) and the Muslim Brotherhood's man in congress, has stepped forward and attacked Williams, a decent and honest liberal, in the most vile manner, calling Williams un-American and bigoted.
And you thought Orwellian thought and language was a fictional construct.
Keith Ellison’s haj to Mecca was financed by the Muslim American Society, a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. His job is to make dhimmitude part and parcel of leftist ideology.
We are at war with the hydra-headed monster of radical Islam.
And if it's open season on a man like Juan Williams—he's getting Palined—well, this indicates a major escalation in the jihad against and within America.
Memo to liberals: Unless you toe the party line regarding Muslim supremacists—the Ground Zero Mosque is their most visible battleground—you will be targeted for destruction because the left always devours its own.