Monday, October 25, 2010

One Jerusalem: NPR, Obama, ACLU, ...We are free to speak our minds on everything

The assault on professional journalists, publishers, comedians, etc. when it comes to expressing views about Muslims and Islams must cease and desist. The latest victim (in a growing list) is Juan Williams former National Public Radio (NPR) news analyst, author and FOX commentator. He is formerly an employee of NPR because they fired him when he said that he is uneasy seeing someone in Arab garb in an airport. This imagined crime brought swift condemnation from NPR and his firing. 

The Williams firing set off an outcry from defenders of freedom of speech on the blogosphere, Mike Huckabee, Sara Palin, Congressman Peter King, and hosts on talk radio.

But there has been deafening silence from the White House (whose chief occupant came to the defense of the Ground Zero Mosque) and from supposed defenders of free speech like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) which quickly jumps to the defense of Communists, terrorists, and flag burners.Today, the ACLU has no opinion about the Williams silencing and firing.

When it comes to Muslims their silence is nothing new. There have been several incidents where our free press has been silenced by Muslims and the aforementioned champions of freedom have refused to defend the freedoms they supposedly hold dear. Let us a name a few incidents:

Yale University Press bows to the demands of Muslims and does not publish pictures of the infamous Mohammad cartoons in a book about the cartoons. This is comparable to publishing a biography of Charlie Schultz without any Peanuts cartoons.

Comedy Central censors South Park after Muslim threats.

The Seattle Weekly and the Washington Post bow to pressures from Muslims.

This list can be extended. If we can not speak our minds about Islam or Muslims we no longer have the cherished freedom of speech. We can not accept no criticism zones for any group or religion. We must put an end to this destructive movement.

You can start fighting back by backing Congressman Peter King call for the end of public funding to NPR.