In a speech on 'Inyanei Pesach' given this past Sunday in Brooklyn, at the Agudah of Avenue L, noted speaker Rabbi Pesach Krohn came out forcefully, stressing the importance of the Seder as family time to be spent with your children, not a time to be entertaining guests.
Rabbi Krohn stressed the importance of ensuring that the seder should be a time to bond with your children and that if having guests will detract from your children’s sedarim they should not be invited.
Additionally, Rabbi Krohn suggested that if by having guests at the sedarim, your daughters will be bothered by the idea that they will be unable to sing timeless family niggunim, then they should not be invited.
Rabbi Krohn also brought out the importance of starting the sedarim on time and making sure that everything be prepared in advance so that the entire night can be enjoyable for the entire family.