BCC & Debra Applebaum
BCC & Paul Jeser
Check out BCC at 1:35 and at 2:00
Talk about getting chizuk just from being in the presence of someone. Tonight, Mrs. Debra Applebaum is speaking in Beverly Hills on behalf of Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem. She's a very happy and upbeat person. Her husband Dr. David Applebaum and daughter Naava were brutally killed by a terrorist bombing at a cafe the night before their daughter Naava's wedding. Naava's wedding dress is on display at Kever Rochel. Debra tragically became a widow and a bereaved parent in one shot. I can't really comprehend the extent of her tragedies and pain; but you would never know it from meeting her. She doesn't dwell on the past, she declines interviews and focuses on going forward in life. She is not a victim. I'm truly humbled to be in her presence and derived enormous chizuk from merely meeting her. I share this with you, because of the enormous chizuk she represents. Huge Yasher Koach to Paul Jeser of Shaare Tzedek Hospital for organizing this moment of a lifetime.
Paul Jeser is one a kind. He's a total Mentsch and a class act. He's been a close confidant of my father, Dr. Sam Cohen of the JNF, and is one of the most level-headed people I know. He is ferociously pro-Israel (probably even more than I am). He is totally focused on advancing the life-saving work of Shaare Tzedek Hospital. And he's a loyal friend. Consider this: it's approximately 9 years after the Applebaum tragedy, and Paul is still close to the Applebaum family, honoring the memories of Dr. David and Naava and maintaining a close kesher with Debra. Shaare Tzedek Hospital is very fortunate to have such a focused and dedicated leader. Reuniting with him here in Los Angeles has been an unexpected bonus in my life.