According to the Wafa agency, there were rallies to mark the anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death in Beirut, Berlinand Moscow.
In Beirut a Fatah leader used classic doublespeak by saying that Palestinians in Lebanon are guests, with rights and obligations, and they want civil and human rights to live in dignity until their return, refusing resettlement and displacement. In fact, as I have documented, every time Palestinian Arabs had the chance to become citizens of Lebanon they jumped at the opportunity.
In Berlin the event opened with verses from the Quran, followed by the Palestinian national anthem, and then a film documentary about the milestones in the life of the "martyr Abu Ammar."
In Moscow, the PLO representative there said that the syphilitic killer was "a symbol for all those seeking freedom and justice in this world."
Meanwhile, a 30-episode TV series on the distinguished career of the would-be genocidal mass murderer has been announced to be shown by the TV network of one of those freedom-seeking and justice-pursuing countries that admire Arafat so much - Syria.