Thursday, February 28, 2013
NYT: Paid Notice: Deaths SHUCHMAN, AMOS
SHUCHMAN--Amos, of New York, on February 1, 2013. Beloved and caring husband of Alice Shuchman for 51 years, father of Daniel (Lori Lesser) and Nina (Brian Roth), grandfather of Jacob, Sarah, Aaron and Ariela. Born in Tel Aviv in 1928, fought bravely in the Haganah. Loved his family, his birth and adopted countries, finance, skiing, opera, ballet and biking in Central Park. Loved everything about NYC, except the New York Times. Services at Beth El Cemetery (Or Zarua section), Paramus, NJ, Sunday at 11am. Memorial contributions to a charity of your choice. His fearless heart still beats within all of us. Shalom, Saba.
Rechovot, Israel - Kabalistic Comic Book Aims To Help Kids Cope With Cancer
Rechovot, Israel - A former Cleveland resident and a mother of two has come up with a unique inspiration for children who are stricken with cancer: a comic book novel that combines her own experiences with the disease with elements of Kabala.
The idea for the book, titled Nistar, came to 37 year old Rechovot resident Shira Frimer after losing her husband Yaakov to cancer over thirteen years ago. It has taken her ten years to fully develop the complex story which involves a superhero who offers hope and encouragement, using kabalistic themes, to children with cancer.
Mrs. Frimer and her soon to be husband got engaged at nineteen and just months later Yaakov Frimer was diagnosed with cancer after complaining about pain in his knee.
“It took four months to get a diagnosis, but it was bad news, the worst new you can get,” Mrs. Frimer told VIN News. “Everything we thought our life would be was not happening.”
Because of his age, Yaakov Frimer was placed in the pediatric oncology ward where he quickly discovered had a knack for interfacing with the other patients.
“He was just a big kid in the pediatric ward,” said Mrs. Frimer. “He was really funny, charismatic, a magical guy who was super friendly and connected with everyone. He had a teacher in him, it was part of his personality and he used himself as an example to the kids, alleviating their concerns about medical procedures they were facing that he had already undergone.”
Yaakov Frimer’s battle with bone cancer lasted for five years. When he died at age 24, he left his wife a young widow with two year old twin boys. Mrs. Frimer found that developing the story was therapeutic and a way of closing the devastating circle of events that had become her life.
“I was inspired just by watching him,” recalled Mrs. Frimer. “Yaakov took on the identity of big brother to the kids on the ward. I realized that taking those experiences and transforming them into something else could help people. I would lie awake in bed and thoughts of the book I wanted to create would keep my mind busy as I was busy trying to figure out how to make all the pieces fit. All these years later, Nistar is kind of his legacy.”
Nistar, which is aimed at children ages eight and up, is 104 pages long with full color artwork by Josef Rubenstein who has done illustrations for both DC and Marvel comics. The graphic novel is replete with many themes of light and darkness and one of the strongest messages in Nistar is that the most powerful light is hidden in the darkest of darkness, in an effort to provide a beacon of hope to children who are dealing with life threatening situations. The hero of the book, JJ Barak, is loosely based on Yaakov Frimer, even sharing his first two initials.
“In addition to wanting to write a book for children who were faced with cancer, one of the reasons I wrote Nistar was because I wanted my sons to realize what kind of person their father was,” explained Mrs. Frimer. “It is also an important lesson for them to see that their mom has created something from this tragedy.”
Mrs. Frimer, an art therapist, felt strongly that using a graphic novel was an especially powerful medium for reaching children and an ideal vehicle for giving children with cancer the message that as they fight their illness, each of them is a superhero.
In order to raise money to complete the book’s artwork, Mrs. Frimer began a campaign to raise $15,000 on Indiegogo, a crowd-funding website, where donations quickly exceeded her expectations. She raised $10,000 in the first three days of the campaign and after surpassing her goal just days later, Mrs. Frimer set a new target of $25,000, with which she hopes to print 5,000 copies of Nistar and distribute them free of charge.
To date, over 170 people have contributed to the Indiegogo campaign and Mrs. Frimer has already raised more than $19,000, with over two weeks left in her fundraising efforts. According to Mrs. Frimer she already has both organizations and parents of sick children waiting for the first printing of Nistar to come off the presses.
“This isn’t a business for me and I am not looking to make money here,” explained Mrs. Frimer. “I just want to get this book into the hands of children with cancer.”
Mi Keamcha Yisroel
Advanced IDF training on riots in Judea and Samaria
The IDF held a special advanced training session focusing on riots today (Wednesday, February 27, 2013), in light of recent violent riots in Judea and Samaria. The training included a simulated riot to which IDF commanders responded. Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division: "Our emphasis is to operate precisely, selectively, professionally, with significant restraint, with an understanding that that's the right thing both ethically -- in line, of course, with the values of the IDF -- and in terms of the stability of the security situation."
Read the full article on the IDF Website:
Cruel siege on Gaza by neighboring state: Tunnels, flooded with raw sewage, now to be destroyed
The smuggling tunnels linking Gaza to Egypt are a security threat and must be destroyed, a JerusalemCairo court ruled on Tuesday, responding to a petition brought by a group of activists in the wake ofrocket firing and cross border attacks on Israel a cross-border attack, by jihadist elements who infiltrated from Gaza through the tunnels, that killed 16 Egyptian border guards in August.
A Palestinian smuggler moves refrigerators through a tunnel from Egypt into Gaza under the border in Rafah. (Photo: AP)
The Israeli Egyptian court ruling makes it obligatory that the government destroy the tunnels, according to Reuters.
Gaza, home to roughly 1.7 million people, has lived with border restrictions since Hamas’s violent takeover of the territory in 2007. Smuggling under the 15-kilometer border has circumvented official crossings and bypassed restrictions for many years.
Restrictions on the influx of goods into the territory has prompted Palestinians in Gaza to smuggle in luxury goods, weapons and cash through the illegal tunnels. Hamas officials are known to collect fees from tunnel operators.
An estimated 30% of goods that reach Gaza come through the tunnels
An Israeli Egyptian lawyer, Wael Hamdy, instigated the case because he was “worried about the state of national security” in his country after terror attacks prompted by lawlessness in the Sinai desert region.
The lawyer also said that, in addition to recent efforts by Jerusalem the Muslim Brotherhood-led government in Cairo to close some tunnels, Israel Egypt has recently resorted to other draconian and inhumane measures such flooding some of the more than 2000 active tunnels with raw sewage.
The systematic siege on Gaza’s lifeline to the outside world has been met with fierce condemnation silence from pro-Palestinian groups, assorted “human rights”
Cruel siege on Gaza by neighboring state: Tunnels, flooded with raw sewage, now to be destroyed
The smuggling tunnels linking Gaza to Egypt are a security threat and must be destroyed, a JerusalemCairo court ruled on Tuesday, responding to a petition brought by a group of activists in the wake ofrocket firing and cross border attacks on Israel a cross-border attack, by jihadist elements who infiltrated from Gaza through the tunnels, that killed 16 Egyptian border guards in August.
A Palestinian smuggler moves refrigerators through a tunnel from Egypt into Gaza under the border in Rafah. (Photo: AP)
The Israeli Egyptian court ruling makes it obligatory that the government destroy the tunnels, according to Reuters.
Gaza, home to roughly 1.7 million people, has lived with border restrictions since Hamas’s violent takeover of the territory in 2007. Smuggling under the 15-kilometer border has circumvented official crossings and bypassed restrictions for many years.
Restrictions on the influx of goods into the territory has prompted Palestinians in Gaza to smuggle in luxury goods, weapons and cash through the illegal tunnels. Hamas officials are known to collect fees from tunnel operators.
An estimated 30% of goods that reach Gaza come through the tunnels
An Israeli Egyptian lawyer, Wael Hamdy, instigated the case because he was “worried about the state of national security” in his country after terror attacks prompted by lawlessness in the Sinai desert region.
The lawyer also said that, in addition to recent efforts by Jerusalem the Muslim Brotherhood-led government in Cairo to close some tunnels, Israel Egypt has recently resorted to other draconian and inhumane measures such flooding some of the more than 2000 active tunnels with raw sewage.
The systematic siege on Gaza’s lifeline to the outside world has been met with fierce condemnation silence from pro-Palestinian groups, assorted “human rights”
Egyptian documentary on Jews of Egypt might be pretty honest
Al Ahram has an exclusive preview of a new film, four years in the making, called "The Jews of Egypt" - and it describes how they were expelled.
While many Egyptians routinely deny that Jews were expelled from their country, the preview here seems to show pretty definitively that they were indeed methodically thrown out.
The Mufti and Nazi Links
Nobody had a greater influence on the early history of the Middle East conflict than the Mufti, who as president of the Supreme Muslim Council was not only the supreme religious authority but also the central figure in Palestinian nationalism. In the 1930s, there were countless Arab nationalists who viewed Germany as an ally against the British without concerning themselves with the nature of the Hitler regime. Things were different where the Mufti was concerned: he knew what the regime was about and was attracted to it for that very reason.As early as spring 1933, he assured the German consul in Jerusalem that "the Muslims inside and outside Palestine welcome the new regime of Germany and hope for the extension of the fascist, anti-democratic governmental system to other countries."8 The youth organization of the party established by the Mufti operated for a time under the name Nazi Scouts and adopted Hitler Youth-style shorts and leather belts. During the 1936-1939 Palestinian revolt, the swastika was used as a mark of identity: Arabic leaflets and graffiti were liberally decorated with it, Arab children welcomed each other with the Hitler salute, and vast numbers of German flags and pictures of Hitler were displayed even at celebrations of Mohammed's birthday. Anyone obliged to travel through areas involved in the Palestinian revolt would attach a swastika to their vehicle to ward off attacks by Arab snipers.9However, until the summer of 1937, this support was awkward for the German government. Berlin politely but firmly rejected the Arab officers of cooperation. While, on the one hand, Hitler had already stated his belief in the "racial inferiority" of the Arabs in Mein Kampf and contemptuously rejected their "Holy War,"10 on the other, the Auswärtige Amt (German Foreign Office) was extremely anxious not to jeopardize British appeasement of Berlin prematurely by activities in the Middle East, especially since the Mediterranean fell within the sphere of responsibility of Germany's Italian ally.Berlin revised this approach for the first time in June 1937. The trigger was the proposal from the British Peel Commission for the division of the Palestine Mandate territory into a smaller Jewish and a larger Muslim-Arab state. The formation of a Jewish state "is not in Germany's interest," was the instant response of Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath, since such a state "would create an additional position of power under international law for international Jewry. Germany therefore has an interest in strengthening the Arab world as a counterweight against such a possible increase in power for world Jewry."11Strengthening the Arabs against the Jews - it is true that Berlin initially pursued this new course surreptitiously, lest it alienate London. Nevertheless, the scale of the operations now set in motion was impressive. Students from Arab countries received German scholarships, firms took on Arab apprentices, and Arab party leaders were invited to the Nuremberg party rallies and military chiefs to Wehrmacht maneuvers. An "Arab Club" was established in Berlin as the center for Palestine-related agitation and Arabic-language broadcasting.12Under the direction of the German Propaganda Ministry, the Deutsche Nachrichtenbüro (German News Agency - DNB), whose regional headquarters in Jerusalem had set up an Arab service in 1936, stepped up its work. The head of DNB-Jerusalem, Dr. Franz Reichert, who had excellent links not only with the Mufti but also with the Arabic press, bribed journalists and brought dissident newspapers back on board with lucrative advertising orders.In September 1937, two members of the Jewish Department of the SS' secret service (Sicherheitsdienst - SD), one of them Adolf Eichmann, carried out an exploratory mission in the Middle East lasting several weeks. Extended visits by the leader of Hitler Youth, Baldur von Schirach, and the head of the Abwehr (counterintelligence service), Wilhelm Canaris, followed. Finally, in April 1939 the head of the Foreign Office's Oriental Department, Otto von Hentig, also spent time in Palestine and Egypt.
8. Yehoshua Porath, The Palestinian Arab National Movement: From Riots to Rebellion, Vol. 2, 1929-1939 (London, 1977), p. 76. 9. Ralf Balke, Die Landesgruppe der NSDAP in Palästina, thesis, Universität- Gesamthochschule Essen, 1997, pp. 214, 216 (German); Tillmann, Deutschlands Araberpolitik, p. 78 (German); Francis R. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1975), p. 98. See also Iwo Jordan, Araberaufstand. Erlebnisse und Dokumente aus Palästina(Vienna-Leipzig, 1943), pp. 3, 97 (German). Jordan reprints an example of an Arab-Palestinian leaflet with swastikas.
10. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (Munich: Verlag Franz Eher Nachfolger, GmbH, 1934), p. 747 (German).
11. Tillmann, Deutschlands Araberpolitik, p. 66. Italy did not seem reliable enough for the anti-Jewish project. In the last analysis, according to the German Foreign Ministry, Italy's rejection of the Peel Plan was motivated "less by antisemitic animosity than by fear that Britain might make the foundation of a Jewish state in Palestine the basis of its Mediterranean policy." See Melka, The Axis, pp. 70. 12. Melka, The Axis, p. 53.
Arab-Nazi Alliance
Chabad Messianist West Bank Settler Confronts Palestinian Farmers, Tells Them That When The Messiah Comes, They Will All Be Slaves Of The Jews
ב- 27.12.12 תיעד מתנדב בצלם מוחמד חמודה חקלאים מכפר יאסוף שהגיעו לעבד את אדמתם הסמוכה לצומת תפוח. מאז תחילת האינתיפאדה השנייה לא הגיעו בעלי הקרקע למקום באופן סדיר בשל הטרדות של מתנחלים. בתקופה האחרונה שבו החקלאים לעבד את האדמות במקום למרות ההטרדות. הסרטון שלפניכם מתעד חילופי דברים בין החקלאים הפלסטינים למתנחל שהגיע למקום.
למידע על עתירה שהגיש ארגון יש דין בעניין בשנת 2010:
The "War" Against Purim – The Daily Show Does Dov Hikind
Jon Stewart,
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Oscars segment jokes about how Jews control Hollywood
A disgusting segment at Sunday night's Academy awards left two billion people watching with the impression that Jews control Hollywood. It's in the last minute and a half of this clip.
Let's go to the videotape. More after the video.
The ADL didn't like it very much and I'm with them on this.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Monday derided as “offensive and not remotely funny” the segment, saying it was “sad and disheartening that the awards show sought to use age-old, anti-Jewish stereotypes for laughs.”
Indeed. Imagine if they had made the same kind of jokes about blacks or gays or Muslims. No one - not even the Times of Israel - would try to excuse them.“For the insiders at the Oscars this kind of joke is obviously not taken seriously,” the ADL said in a statement. “But when one considers the global audience of the Oscars of upwards of two billion people, including many who know little or nothing about Hollywood or the falsity of such Jewish stereotypes, there’s a much higher potential for the ‘Jews control Hollywood’ myth to be accepted as fact.”
EoZ interview with Jerusalem's Mayor Nir Barkat
The mayor of Jerusalem has a question for those who want construction to be frozen in the eastern part of Jerusalem.
What do you really mean? Because we've just been investing over a halfa billion shekels on infrastructure and roads (in the Arab sector.) We're building 500 classrooms in the Arab sector...And we're registering many, many buildings for the residents of east Jerusalem. My question was, what do you mean by 'freeze.' Freeze everything? Or, God forbid, is somebody hinting, 'Wait a minute. Before you give someone a permit, check him out. If he's Jewish, freeze him, if he is Muslim or Christian give him a license'? ...Is somebody hinting to us to look at the color of his skin, to look at his religion before we give him a permit and a license?
Usually I don't get any answers back.
In an exclusive interview with Elder of Ziyon, Mayor Barkat decried what he called "triple standards" that critics demand of the municipality of Jerusalem. The mayor described all other cities as having one standard, and Jerusalem as being held to a higher standard - which he has no problem with. But the third standard, which is unacceptable, is one that holds that Arabs can build illegally wherever and whenever they want, and that if the city provides services to them it is criticized but if it doesn't then it is accused of neglect. Instead, Barkat described his vision for a united Jerusalem, with one law and equal rights for all.
Barkat also stated that there are some ten thousand permits for apartments registered in Arab areas of Jerusalem over the past four years, a far cry from the way that anti-Israel groups characterize the issue. "Don't listen to too much media," he joked.
I asked him about neighborhoods like Isswiya, where non-Arabs have been nearly lynched more thanonce. He answered that Jerusalem's murder rate is 1/20th that of major American cities and the crime rate was also much lower, but also that things are being done to make it better. He disagreed when I said that Har HaZeitim has been a dangerous place to visit, saying that things are much improved there and it is now perfectly safe.
Elder of Ziyon,
Nir Barkat
The Aveirah Song
You think you do aveiros? Check this guy out.
Original song and music video by Lev Aryeh bachurim.
Every song needs an introduction... because...
A song without an introduction,
Is like chicken soup without no lukshen,
My producer just looked at me and nodded,
I think he wants me to get started.
Testing, testing, aintz tzvai, drai
I eat a gid hanasheh every bite,
I put on my left shoe before my right,
You think I don't do aveiros? Don't even wonder,
I never make a brucheh when I hear the thunder,
My wife wears a sheitel, not a tichel,
I eat the herring without the kichel,
I drink every night ad delo yudeh,
I never sing zemiros at the shabbos sudeh,
I hang around with a goyishe oilem,
I never do bikur cholim,
Yeah I hang out with goyim vus iz nisht gemalet,
I don't put on my paper, beis samech daled.
I spoke to my goyishe friend named Boris,
He wrote me up this little chorus,
It breaks up the song so it doesn't get boring,
And now we'll continue with the recording.
I go to shul and I'm just chillin,
I only put on one pair of tefillin,
I never cry when I go to levayos,
I eat the matzah, less than a kezayis,
I don't even care about chulev stam,
I don't even like be'er mayim chayim,
I go to the games with Derek Jeter,
I always get married during sefira,
I do aveiros, oid ve'oid,
I never go on trips on chol hamo'ed,
I never daven tefillah be'tzibur,
I listen to the tapes, from Justin Bieber.
I cruise around in my '05 Taurus,
Blasting out the second chorus,
I feel like I'm rocking up the whole joint,
And now we're at the halfway point.
I'm such a goy, vus hut du getracht,
I learn the gantzeh nittel nacht,
Chassidim and rebbes are not my types,
I wear the tzitzis without the stripes,
I always say lashon hara,
All my friends do avodah zara,
I'm such a tzioni, I sing Hatikva,
I don't even pay when I use the mikva,
I changed my name to Sam, from Shmuel,
I don't even like Eretz Yisrooel,
I don't ask for a shidduch when I go to Amukah,
I give more than a choimesh to tzedukeh,
I use the Internet for the news,
I do birkas kohanim with my shoes.
Don't turn it down, don't ignore us,
Listen up to the final chorus,
I haven't yet showed you all my cards,
Mir halt shoin by the line fun twenty yards.
I do shnayim mikra without the targum,
When I see an Amaleiki I would never harg him,
I'm the biggest ba'al aveiros in the velt,
I never give my kids any chanuka gelt,
My esrog is always full of black dots,
I always make a brucheh when I wash urchatz,
I eat in the sukkah on Sh'mini Atzeres,
I toivel in the mikvah holding a sheretz,
By Haman's name I always cheer,
By shulem zuchers I only drink root beer,
By the Purim shpiel I never laugh,
For afikomen I use the smaller half,
I only drink gimmel koises,
I eat tons of marror without charoises,
Rosh Hashana by simanim I eat the shvantz,
By my chasunah I had an aveirah tantz.
Too much of your time I'm already spending,
So now I'm gonna take you to the ending,
I hope you like and I hope you enjoy,
This song about a yid who thinks he's a goy.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
More Than a Tear author Yigal Segal thanks civil trial attorney Baruch C. Cohen
Writing this book was one of the most difficult tasks I have ever undertaken. Reviewing the laws and customs of Shiva, and researching grief and mourning, brought back difficult experiences with such force that it felt like I was beginning the mourning process all over again. I have to thank Hashem for giving me the inner strength to complete this project despite its many challenges.
In most of the chapters, I use the masculine “he” or “him” to describe a mourner. This was done to make the flow of the text easier for the reader, but all Shiva laws and customs apply equally
to men and women unless specifically indicated in the book.
There are many to acknowledge and thank for their part in making this book a reality. Dr. Marc Singer is more than a friend. He is like a brother to me and has been with me every step of the way of this process. He was instrumental in conceiving and developing the idea for this book. Marc and I went through our respective Shivas together and took our experiences and invested them in this project. I am deeply grateful for his support and encouragement and I am proud that we achieved our goal of publishing this book. Thanks Doc, for everything.
My personal impetus for writing this book was the recent passing of both my father, Rabbi Zev Segal, z”l and my brother, Moshe Segal, z”l. My mother, Mrs. Esther Segal, who should live until 120 years, has been the epitome of strength in dealing with these two tragedies in her life, and as I have always done, I try to emulate her grace and ability to cope with difficult circumstances. I thank her for everything she has done to bring this book to print and I wish
her only continued nachas from her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Editing a book is a difficult task and I thank Chava Willig Levy for her ability to transform a sentence while keeping the voice of the author intact. My years of work in the Jewish Literacy Foundation with my friend and partner, Shimon Apisdorf, allowed me a bird’s eye view of how a real author writes. I thank him for all his help on this project.
Jeremy Staiman did a masterful job of typesetting this book and I thank him for his efforts and his friendship. Ben Gasner’s cover design captured the essence of what we wanted to convey and I appreciate the opportunity to benefit from his great talent and expertise. I also want to thank Shloime Ash for suggesting the title of the book.
I also want to thank the following people for their assistance in this project: Baruch Cohen, Rabbi Hillel David, Ari Goldman, Rabbi Ephraim Greenblatt, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Yosef Zvi
Rimon, Rabbi Dovid Solomon, Chaim Spero and Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb.
I could not have written this without the encouragement of my brother, Nachum Segal. I thank him for everything, especially for being a friend.
We recently lost my wife’s grandfather, Phillip Grossman, z”l, who was a major part of our lives. We wish Dorothy “Grandma” Grossman many years of good health and Yiddishe nachas from her family in her new home in Jerusalem.
G-d has blessed us with a beautiful family and each one of our children has a special part in helping me with everything I try to accomplish. Chani, Akiva, Yosef, Neemi, Zviki, Yehuda, Yedidya Zev and Matanya: I love you all very much and thank Hashem for you every day. May you continue to grow and be the best that you can be!
Finally, I want to thank my wife, Rivki. She is a constant inspiration to me and her influence is present on every page of this book. Baruch Hashem, we have merited to live with our family in
Jerusalem for the last seven years. May G-d give us the strength and insight to continue to do our part in whatever master plan He has for us.
Yigal Segal
Jerusalem, 2012
Yigal Segal
(O) 212-444-1814
FAX 212-898-0176
US Cell - 646-808-0456
Israel Cell- 052-668-4645
Meghalaya, India - No Furor Over Adolf Hitler's Name On Ballot
Meghalaya, India - Adolf Hitler is running for election in India. So is Frankenstein.
The tiny northeast Indian state of Meghalaya has a special fascination for interesting and sometimes controversial names, and the ballot for state elections Saturday is proof.
Among the 345 contestants running for the state assembly are Frankenstein Momin, Billykid Sangma, Field Marshal Mawphniang and Romeo Rani. Some, like Kenedy Marak, Kennedy Cornelius Khyriem and Jhim Carter Sangma, are clearly hoping for the electoral success of their namesake American presidents.
Then there is Hitler.
This 54-year-old father of three has won three elections to the state assembly with little controversy over being named after the Nazi dictator.
His father had worked with the British army, but apparently developed enough of a fascination with Great Britain’s archenemy to name his son Adolf Hitler - though he also gave him the middle name Lu, Hitler said.
“I am aware at one point of time Adolf Hitler was the most hated person on earth for the genocide of the Jews. But my father added `Lu’ in between, naming me Adolf Lu Hitler, and that’s why I am different,” Hitler told The Associated Press from the small village of Mansingre, 200 kilometers west of Gauhati, the capital of the nearby state of Assam.
Hitler said his name has not stopped him from traveling the world, including to the United States and Germany.
“I never had problems obtaining a visa but I was asked many times during immigration as to why I should have such a name. I told the immigration staff I possibly didn’t have a role in my naming,” he said.
India played little role in World War II, and many Indians view Hitler not as the personification of evil but as a figure of fascination. Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” is prominently displayed at many Indian bookstores. The owner of a menswear shop named his store “Hitler,” then expressed puzzlement last year after Israel complained.
Musfika Haq, a teacher in Meghalaya’s capital, Shillong, said such names are common in the state.
“Parents obviously get fascinated by names of well-known or great leaders, but must be unaware that some of them, like Hitler, had been highly controversial,” he said.
Hitler products
A 'Palestinian' hero
This picture of a 'Palestinian' about to throw a rock at a helpless Israeli motorist near Hebron, was published in a Gaza newspaper on Thursday. Typical comments were "good job," "this is a successful youth" and similar comments. What can be said about a 'people' that lives for nothing but bloodlust and for whom a 'youth' like this is a hero?
Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones to defy the BDS'ers and honor Israel's 65th birthday
More than forty years ago, I attended a Rolling Stones concert at the sold out home of Willard the Rat, also known as the old Boston Garden (and for those of you who are old enough to remember, we even sprung for seats that were not obstructed view). That was the concert where I learned about putting after shave on my hand to drown out the smell of marijuana.
Were I not in mourning for my father - and therefore prohibited from going to concerts - I might spring to see Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones again. They're going to ignore all the BDS'ers and come to Israel to honor the 65th anniversary of Israel's independence this spring (Hat Tip: Herb G).
Were I not in mourning for my father - and therefore prohibited from going to concerts - I might spring to see Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones again. They're going to ignore all the BDS'ers and come to Israel to honor the 65th anniversary of Israel's independence this spring (Hat Tip: Herb G).
Despite a barrage of attacks from British, European and U.S. Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) groups, the Rolling Stones will perform their planned concert in Jerusalem on Israel’s Independence Day, Monday, April 15.
“We’ve been slammed and smacked and twittered a lot by the anti-Israeli side,” said Mick Jagger, the band’s leader and most recognizable member since 1963. “All I can say is: anything worth doing is worth overdoing. So we decided to add a concert on Tuesday.”
Needless to say, tickets to both concerts, Monday night in Teddy Stadium in Jerusalem and Tuesday night in Bloomfield Stadium, Tel Aviv, have been sold out even as Jagger was speaking.
“This is a huge mistake for the Stones,” declared BDS proponent Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb. “They stand to lose a lot of money as a result of showing solidarity with Zionism, because their most devoted fans also support boycotting Israel.”
“I don’t really count myself as a very sophisticated businessperson,” Jagger responded when asked if the Israel concerts are a bad move business wise. “I’m a creative artist. All I know from business I’ve picked up along the way.”
Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood will all arrive in Jerusalem on Thursday, ahead of their opening concert, to meet President Shimon Peres who says he’s been a stoner for ages.
“When ‘Get Off of My Cloud’ came out, Dayan brought me the single from London,” Peres told Haaretz. “We played it for hours in the office until Paula Ben Gurion threatened to throw us out.”Thanks to the Rolling Stones. I hope you get tons of good publicity out of this.
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