The Palestine Press reports on the latest Hamas campaign in Gaza: prove the woman with you is your wife or sister.
[crappy auto-translation follows]
According to various sources, that the security services of the dismissed government in Gaza, especially a detective, embarked on a new episode, which knew campaign “virtue” relate to this time to prove a woman’s identity and its facilities, which extends to communicate with those girls or women that are shut off to make sure it is accompanied by her husband or her fiance or her brother.
She explained that the campaign is based on the verification of the identities of citizens who تشاهدهم the walk, accompanied by women in the streets of the sector, what has come to impose on who will come out with his wife or fiancee can not forget the marriage contract next to the ID card.He said activists in the field of human rights in Gaza and the occurrence of such cases, and some of them got with legal persons, and that the campaign to particularly target of wandering around, accompanied by a woman, it turns out to be his wife, fiancee or his sister.Police article justify the campaign ..The newspaper quoted the Jerusalem local sources in the police dismissed government that this campaign was a translation of the decision has existed for years, and it is applied with the start of the summer season, especially in the coastal zone “near the shores of the sea,” and it is only in cases that are suspected them, and not to the general people.She noted that the campaign include scrutiny of the ID card for every man, woman, and especially those who suspect the security forces in their position in breach of literature, and their presence in the areas of individual away from people, or they are in the car on their own situation suspicious, and it is inspected cars, checking the identities of the citizens, as a measure precaution, contact girls Bauaúl, if seized the situation of suspicion, to make sure more of it on a formal relationship including accompanying it.He pointed out that this campaign began years ago, under the decision issued to prevent women from smoking “water pipe” in front of the general public on the sea, and in the under prosecution young, who Iekson girls on the sea during the summer.Incidents took place in the Gaza Strip ..According to Al-Quds newspaper, which indicated that they received information from the Centers rights on the basis of certificates of citizens feared cast officially, there are several incidents recently, Ctoqev car in the central area of the Gaza Strip, was inside a doctor was returning from a wedding for one of her relatives to her home, where he was A relative who works in the office of the taxis connect to her house, was arrested to prove their identities. Also signed another incident in Khan Younis when police stopped, a man and his wife on the Sea of the city, and told them women she is his wife, and sister of former deputy and one of the released prisoners, and asked for time number and contacted him to prove, and signed then problematic elements of the police, the brother of the woman, intervened where figures to solve.And allowed the deposed government security apparatus of the citizens again, to enter the Gaza port area for hiking, and when citizens began arriving began to inspect and verify their identities.Said lead researcher and activist in the field of human rights, Mustafa Ibrahim, “there are facts occurred recently in more than one area in the Gaza Strip, where interference in the privacy of citizens, sift through their identity cards, and that the journalists and public figures and citizens, were to prove the identity of their wives, or Khtaibathm, or sisters, while the police officers who are on barriers to arrest men and women for varying periods of time, so that they communicate with families, to make sure that a woman who resides in the car with the man, is his wife. ”He said the human rights activist in the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Samir Zaqqout, such facts, in violation of the Palestinian Basic Law by all standards, and they are on public freedoms.
I somehow doubt Lauren Booth and company are going to condemn this.