Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Amnesty International Condones Killing of "Settlers" Amnesty is led by people who openly proclaim the right of the Arabs to kill innocent Jews.
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Amnesty International claims to be the “conscience of the world”. But the world’s most famous humanitarian organization justifies Palestinian terrorism.
This is Amnesty’s official response to the killing of Evyatar Borovsky in Samaria: “The Israeli authorities must immediately remove a new outpost set up by Israeli settlers in the Nablus district of the occupied West Bank. The new outpost was set up following the killing of Evyatar Borovsky, a resident of the illegal Israeli settlement of Yitzhar. Borovsky, a civilian who was carrying a gun at the time of the attack, was stabbed and killed by a Palestinian man who was wounded and later arrested by Israeli forces”.
According to Amnesty International, the murder of Evyatar Borovsky is not a terror attack, but a “killing”; the Israeli lived in an “illegal settlement”, implying that he brought the crime upon himself and he was more deserving of death than someone else; and Borovsky was also “carrying a gun”, implying again that he was a violent person and that the Palestinian Arab is not so guilty.
Amnesty International is subverting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted after the Holocaust, because the human rights of the kidnapped, slaughtered and intimidated Israelis have not only being systematically ignored. Amnesty is now condoning Palestinian Arab terrorism.
Ann Harrison, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme, said it all: “We deplore all deliberate attacks on civilians, including settlers. But this killing must not be used as an excuse for further violations of the human rights of Palestinians”.
"Including 'settlers'"? Shouldn't she be lauded for that?
These Jews are not guinea pigs for a cruel experiment, but they are treated as such by Amnesty International. Their lives have been condemned to be reversibile and their blood is less deserving of compassion.
Amnesty is saying that the blood of those living on the wrong side of an imaginary line on a map is not as red as that coursing in the veins of their fellow countrymen in Tel Aviv or Nabi Saleh. The “settlers” are not even qualified by the adjective “Jewish” in the Amnesty’s lines, while the Palestinians are “local residents”. It is easier to kill an interloper than a native citizen.
Amnesty has sanitizied the horrific slaughter of innocent Jews by making an issue of the location of the attack and dehumanizing the victims as “settlers”. Amnesty’s epithets are used to lessen the severity of terrorism.
In the Amnesty International’s report for 2012, a survey of the global human rights situation, in the chapter about Judea and Samaria Amnesty charges Israel of “torture” and “war crimes”. Under Amnesty’s conditions, the Palestinian Arabs have the right to disloge the Jews from Judea and Samaria.
Amnesty recently hired Deborah Hyams as a researcher in the “Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territories and Palestinian Authority”. Hyams said that while she does not condone suicide bombings, she personally believes they ‘are in response to the occupation.’”
In another instance she defended the use of violence, stating “occupation is violence… and the consequence of this action must result in violence”.
Amnesty is led by people who openly proclaim the right of the Arabs to kill innocent Jews.
During the first Intifada, terrorists of the PLO and the PFLP were defined by Amnesty as “prisoners of conscience”. Amnesty supported the Intifada, a terrorist uprising by a hostile population aligned with organizations and countries at war with Israel.
The organization never condemned the 81 shootings, 5 grenade attacks, 651 Molotov cocktail attacks, 94 bombings, 173 assaults with knives, clubs, axes and swords, and 299 cases of arson against Israeli civilians and soldiers during the first two years of the Intifada.
Amnesty i salso calling for the release of convicted terrorists like Ahmad Sa’adat, the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, sentenced to 30 years in prison for his responsibility for all actions carried out by his organization, particularly for the murder of Rehavam Zeevi.
Recently, Ammesty also called Bassam Tamimi “prisoner of conscience” (the same definition Amnesty once used for Nathan Sharansky and Andrei Sakharov). Tamimi is the leader of the Nabi Saleh’s protests. One of his relative, Ahlam Tamimi, escorted a bomber to a Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem. Fifteen people were killed, eight of them minors.
Bassam’s Tamimi Facebook page supports Palestinian Arab terrorism and the terrorists who perpetrated heinous killings of Jews. When the suicide bomber blew it up, the Sbarro restaurant had its usual crowd of families and office workers on their lunch break; there were children, teenagers, mothers with infants in strollers, elderly couples.
A clock on the wall froze at 2:04, the time of the explosion. Two strollers were overturned on the pavement amid broken glasses, blood splotches, fragments of tables, a charred chair back, a half-opened purse with a small teddy bear as a good-luck charm. Beneath a blanket was the torso of a woman without legs.
Amnesty International once fought for Olga Ivinskaya, the Russian poet and wife of Boris Pasternak, and others brave prisoners of the Gulag.
Since then, Amnesty has become a disgusting and deceiving organization which condones the slaughtering of Israelis on the highways.