Thursday, October 3, 2013

Der Sudenyu - Our Feast!

There's a classic Yiddish folk song that we sing in the Succa every year, which tells what will happen when Moshiach comes. This year, we were fortunate to host Chazzan Ushi Blumenberg and his lovely family in our Succa. Here's Ushi singing "Der Sudenyu" - the words in Yiddish transliteration and in English translation appear below the clip. Enjoy!
Zog zhe rebenyu
vos vet zayn
ven meshiakh vet kumen?
Ven meshiakh vet kumen?
veln mir makhn a sudenyu.

Tell us, rebbe,
what will happen,
when the Messiah comes?
When the Messiah comes,
we'll make a big feast. 

Vos veln mir esn oyf dem sudenyu?
Dem shoyr ha-bor, leviyasan veln mir esn
oyf dem sudenyu.

What will we eat at the feast?
The Wild Ox and Leviathan we will eat
at the feast. 

Vos veln mir trinken oyf dem sudenyu?
Dem yayin ha-meshumor veln mir trinkn...
oyf dem sudenyu.

What will we drink at the feast?
Preserved wine (from the time of creation) we will drink...
at the feast.

Un ver vet uns toyre zogn oyf dem sudenyu?
Moyshe rabenyu vet uns toyre zogn...
oyf dem sudenyu.

Who will teach us Torah at the feast?
Moses the teacher will teach us Torah...
at the feast.

Un ver vet uns shpiln oyf dem sudenyu?
Dovid ha-melekh vet uns shpiln...
oyf dem sudenyu.

Who will play for us at the feast?
King David will play for us...
at the feast.