1. THE JEWISH PEOPLE IS UNLIKE ANY OTHER: It is a Divine, special, holy and different nation, chosen by the Al-Mighty at Sinai to live a specific life under Jewish law and commandments. Jewish destiny - that which will be - depends on one thing only: Jewish adherence to their special mission of obedience to that Law. There must be a return to Jewish faith and observance, or tragedy will strike regardless of whether Right or Left guides the Jewish ship of state.
2. A JEWISH LEADERSHIP THAT IS OVERWHELMINGLY AND SO OFTEN WILLFULLY: IGNORANT of Judaism and lacking in faith and belief in Judaism, whose policies have destroyed Jews, spiritually and physically, today presides over potential disaster for the Jewish people. That leadership must be rejected and its place taken by leaders dedicated to Jewish faith and observance, and who are selected not because of wealth or connections but because of their knowledge and commitment to the G-d of Israel and His decrees.
3. THE JEWISH PEOPLE WAS MADE TO BE DIFFERENT, SEPARATE, set apart from all the others. Not assimilation or amalgamation or integration with the nations is the Jewish role but rather the creation of a separate people, living in a separate state, and building a separate and special society. That is the Jewish injunction and that is the true meaning of the Jews as "a light unto the nations". The Jewish people must, thus, be isolated from foreign cultures that corrupt and destroy the authentic Jewish Idea. There must be an unrelenting campaign to make intermarriage and assimilation anathema, with no compromise on rejection of the concept of marrying out of the faith. In particular, no Jew who is intermarried shall be allowed to hold a Jewish leadership post. And Jewish policy must also be one of isolation from a corrupting world political process. To that end, the Jewish state must leave the United Nations, a band of international desecrators of the name of the L-rd. No fear of isolation! We are a people that dwells alone.
4. LOVE OF JEW FOR JEW. The Jewish nation is one. There are no boundaries that separate the Jews and the pain of one is the pain of all. There is an obligation to rush to save oppressed and suffering Jews, wherever they may be and in whatever way is necessary. The weak Jew who is threatened must be rescued by the Jew of strength. Jewish power, in such a case, is an obligation. It is unacceptable to speak of internal affairs of any country in which Jews are threatened. In particular, while Jews remain in the Exile and are endangered by Jew-haters, it is the role of the State of Israel to do all in its power to defend them and to put an end to attacks on Jews. Israel was established as the Jewish State, as the trustee and guardian of Jews all over the world. It must live up to that obligation. For the Jew, there are no permanent allies except the Jew himself and the Al-mighty. For the Jew, Jewish interest comes first, for who will care about him, if not himself? Public Jewish funds must stop going to non-Jewish causes and a new order of priorities must be established that set Jewish education - the real and substantive kind, the Jewish day school, the yeshiva - as the most important of Jewish projects. Public Jewish funds must be set aside, not for community centers with huge numbers of non-Jews as members, but for Jewish defense, aliya - immigration to Israel - and Jewish centers that are truly Jewish and not just centers.
5. NO GUILT. To be Jewish is to be the Chosen of the L-rd and Jews must rid themselves of the guilt, self-hate and inferiority that grip so many today. Not guilt but pride; not self-hate but intense love; not inferiority but the knowledge that Jews have been chosen from all the nations upon the face of the earth to receive the Divine truth. Jewish pride! But combined with the humility of bowing to the will of G-d. What is moral and ethical, what is just and merciful, must be based not on western and gentilized concepts but on Divine values that can be derived only from the sources of Jewish Law. The concept of the yoke of Heaven must be accepted and must be the only yardstick for Jewish values regardless of how they differ from western and gentile ones. Jews must become conceptually Jewish, with Jewish public funds allocated primarily for real substantive Jewish education that produces proud, knowledgeable and observant Jews. In the Exile this will put an end to the curse of the Melting Pot, the public school and the Interfaith that Jewish leaders have foisted on Jews that have caused the loss of an entire generation. In the State of Israel it will put an end to the spiritual tragedy of the destruction of Jewish values among the young, particularly the Sefardi Jews who lived for centuries under Moslems but with Jewish values that preserved them, only to come home to Israel and be robbed of those values. The cancers of crime and emigration that beset Israel are directly due to gentilization of the Jewish State and substitution of the values of Dizengoff Street and America, for those of Judaism. Every public school in Israel must devote a major part of its curriculum to Judaism and to Jewish values and commandments. A Jewish state that is not bound by basic Jewish values and laws, courts Divine anger and tragedy. All national and public services must be committed to Sabbath observance, and the definition of a Jew must conform to that of Torah law.
6. THE ESSENCE OF JUDAISM IS FAITH. Faith in a G-d of the Jews who is Omnipotent and who holds the world in His hands. The sadness of our times is the lack of true faith that has gripped all section of Jewry, including the Orthodox, so many of whom believe in commandments but not really in G-d.
7. THE JEW MUST THROW OFF HIS FEAR OF THE GENTILE and the tragic misconception that his future depends on the love and support of the nations. The Jewish people is indestructible and the Jewish State that arose after 19 centuries of agony in the Exile, can never go under. It is not the gentile who holds the Jewish destiny in his hands but only the Jew. Fear of the gentile betrays lack of faith in the G-d of Israel and in His power to determine history. Furthermore, to violate Jewish law because of that fear is to desecrate the name of the L-rd.
8. ISRAEL IS THE HAND OF G-D. It was created as proof of His existence and power to a world that had looked upon 1900 years of Jewish suffering and impotence as evidence of the non-existence of the G-d of Israel. Jewish weakness is the essence of the desecration of the name of the G-d of Israel. In the eyes of the gentile it is the weakness of the Jewish G-d. Jewish strength and victory, on the other hand, are proof of the existence, power and Omnipotence of the G-d of Israel. They are the sanctification of His name. Because of this, it is a national injunction and imperative to follow an ongoing policy of sanctification by never retreating before the gentile and by never hesitating to act according to Jewish Law because of that fear.
9. JEWISH STRENGTH, NOT WEAKNESS. Jewish strength is not only a sanctification of the name of the L-rd, but an imperative to save a Jew who is oppressed and suffering. What immorality cloaked in hypocritical "ethics" it is, to condemn violence when someone else is suffering! Violence is tragic but sometimes tragically necessary, and when it is necessary, it is obligatory. The dream of Israel is for the nations to beat their swords into ploughshares, but while our enemy still has his sword, let us not have a ploughshare. Let the Jewish response to any Western threat to cut off conventional arms sales be the production and deployment of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that will, at the same time, equalize any arrogant threat by any arrogant superpower.
10. JEWISH POPULATION EXPANSION, NOT JEWISH NATIONAL SUICIDE. Let there be an end to practices which numerically diminish and weaken the body of the Jewish people, who will be needed in coming generations to sanctify His name and build and sustain the Jewish state. In place of abortion anarchy, planned childlessness and other incremental and insidious forms of Jewish national suicide, let there be mass Jewish population growth in accordance with Jewish law. The social fabric of the Jewish people and the national policies of the Jewish government of Israel, alike, must encourage each Jewish mother and father to raise the maximum feasible number of Jewish children within the framework of halacha. This will insure a population large enough to secure the Jewish people, populate and defend Eretz-Yisrael, and compensate numeric losses of the Holocaust and assimilation. At the same time, let us end the disgrace of unwarranted Jewish abortion, which is nothing less than murder. Throughout Jewish history, the act of destroying the fetus in the womb has been singled out as one of the "abominations of Egypt" which Torah has enjoined us to suppress. Feticide, except where birth endangers the life of the mother, is forbidden by halacha; its practice must be eliminated in the Jewish state.
11. THE STATE OF ISRAEL MUST ELIMINATE THOSE FOREIGN ABOMINATIONS THAT DESECRATE THE NAME OF G-D and turn it into a gentilized, westernized country rather than the Jewish state it is meant to be. These include:
a. THE DISGRACE OF MISSIONARIES AND PAGAN CULTS who destroy the Jewish soul. The Jew is, indeed, destroyed equally through the ovens of Auschwitz or through the loss of the Jewish soul to the missionaries and cults. They must be banned from Israel.
b. THE DISGRACE OF THE TEMPLE MOUNT where Moslem mosques are built on the holiest site in Judaism. A synagogue built on Islam's holiest site in Mecca would lead to world Moslem outcry. Jewish silence in the face of the desecration of Judaism's holiest site is inexcusable and a disgrace. The Moslems and their mosques must be removed from the site of the holy temples of Israel.
c. THE DISGRACE OF INTERMARRIAGE AND SEXUAL INTERCOURSE BETWEEN JEW AND GENTILE. This has been an abomination and desecration since the birth of the Jewish nation and has always been forbidden and prohibited by Jewish governments. Once again, the laws of the Jewish state must put an end to it.
12. THE ENTIRE LAND OF ISRAEL BELONGS TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE, ALONE. There are no other legitimate claimants. It is the holy land, the land of G-d, given by Him to His holy people for the purpose creating a holy society, therein. Because of this, none but the Jew can have a role in the destiny and political affairs of the state. The non-Jew can live within the Jewish state only as a "resident stranger" who enjoys his personal, social, cultural, and economic rights but with no citizenship, no political representation, no membership in government service, and no say in the destiny of the country. Those who are not prepared to accept this, cannot remain.
13. THE ARABS LIVING IN ERETZ-YISRAEL MUST BE REPATRIATED. The Arabs of Israel, specifically, will never consider themselves an integral part of a country that is legally defined as a Jewish state. They can never feel love and empathy for it. Only those who have contempt for the Arabs cannot and will not see this. Only they believe that national pride, dignity and self-determination can be bought in exchange for economic benefits. The Arabs who refuse to live as resident strangers - and the numbers of these must be limited so as to endanger neither the security nor the economy of the Jewish state - must be given a choice of leaving willingly with full compensation for their property or being compelled to leave without compensation. The truth is that there is a contradiction between the concepts of a Jewish state and a western democratic one. We must choose a Jewish state. The transfer of Arabs will complete the exchange of populations begun 1948, after which almost one million Jews fled Arab countries with no compensation. These Jews were integrated into the Jewish state of their brothers and sisters. Let the same be done for the Arabs Israel by their brethren. Social support payments which the government of Israel has squandered on Arabs and other enemies must be directed to help needy Jews, and especially, Sefardi and oriental Jewish communities in various development towns and economically disadvantaged 'shikunim' (neighborhoods) around Israel. >From those Arabs who receive compensation, a percentage will be taken off the amounts to compensate Sefardi Jews who received nothing when they were expelled from Arab countries.
14. THE JEW IS FORBIDDEN TO GIVE UP ANY PART OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL. The land belongs to the G-d of Israel and the Jew, given it by G-d, has no right to give away any part of it. All the areas past liberated (including those currently under the "Palestinian Authority"), or areas which may be liberated in the future, must be annexed, made part of the State of Israel, and populated by Jews as rapidly as possible. Jewish settlement in every part of Eretz-Yisrael, including cities that today are sadly Judenrein , must be unlimited. Maximum continuous expansion of Jewish settlement must be encouraged by well coordinated national policies binding upon all agencies of the State of Israel and all related Jewish institutions with authority or influence over urban and rural development, housing, agriculture, transportation and industrial investment.
15. THERE IS NO "PALESTINE" OR "PALESTINE PEOPLE." They are Arabs, part of the Arab nation that lives in many countries, and to the Arabs of Eretz-Yisrael must and will be repatriated. The Roman Emperor Hadrian changed the name of our land from Judea - the land of the Jews, to "Palestina" - the land of the Philistines, after crushing Bar Kochba's revolt. It was the Roman design to destroy the Jewish people by erasing the name of our homeland. Now the Philistines, the Roman Empire and even the Latin language are as dead as Babylon. But the Jewish people never died, and the Jewish State is alive and the Jewish army stands guard over it. Israel will live forever; "Palestine" was never even born.
16. THE ARABS DO NOT WANT PEACE. It is illusion and delusion to believe the Middle Eastern problem is a dispute over the occupied lands of 1967, or the creation of a "Palestine" that would exist next to Israel. Those who understand the Arabs and are free of contempt for them know the essence of the problem is the Arab belief that the Jews have stolen the entire land from them. Arabs went to war with Israel in 1956 and 1967 when the "occupied lands" of today were in their hands. Arabs turned down the United Nations' 1947 partition plan and went to war then, too. Arabs murdered Jews in the 1920's and 1930's when there was no Jewish state and no "Zionist occupation force".
17. THERE ARE NO ARAB MODERATES. Witness the Jordanian "moderate" who in 1967, in possession of the lands of Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank") and East Jerusalem, went to war, and who openly sided with the Iraqi aggressor during the Gulf war. The Arabs differ in tactics, not goals. Foolish Jews who call for concessions have already cost us dearly and we will pay terribly for those concessions that were made on the assumption that Arab "moderates" would seek peace with Israel and be its allies. Similarly, it is mad delusion to insist that Arab terrorists do not represent the "Palestinians". Of course they do, because the "Palestinians", as a whole, are committed to the destruction of an Israel they see as a robber state. The true issue is the refusal of the Arabs to recognize a Jewish state of any size or shape for any permanent length of time. It Is not an Arab-Israel issue but an Arab-Jewish one and it Is more than a political dispute; it is a religious war. We should not be surprised that Christians and Moslems who kill each other join against the Jews or that a Pope meets with Christians and Moslems, who kill each other, join against the Jews or that a Pope meets with Moslem terrorists. The very existence of the Jewish state is proof of the truth of Judaism, a thing that neither Islam nor Christianity can accept. Peace is not possible under the above circumstances but Jews need not weep or wail. Zionism, from the first, was not created primarily for peace but for a Jewish state. Hopefully, it was believed, this could be accomplished by peace. But with or without peace, the primary goal was a Jewish state.
18. THE COMMANDMENT TO LIVE IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL BRINGS WITH IT THE THREAT OF MASS TRAGEDY FOR THOSE JEWS WHO REFUSE TO LEAVE THE EXILE. The Jewish state is the sanctification of G-d and to remain in the Exile, the embodiment of desecration, at a time when it is possible to return home, is to consciously choose to reinforce the desecration. The Al-Mighty will never allow it and the Exile is being ended whether the Jew agrees to it or not. The signs are already plentiful as Jew-hatred and world political conditions combine to shake the ground under the feet of the Jew in continent after continent. The Exile will end, either in glory through mass, voluntary Jewish coming to Israel, or through terrible tragedy, G-d forbid. There simply cannot be coexistence between sanctification and desecration. The Jews of the Exile, including those of the United States, face a horrible growth of Jew hatred that will be triggered by economic and social upheaval in the world. Before it is too late, they must leave the graveyard and return to Israel. It is the obligation of Zionist leaders in the Exile to take the lead by emigrating to Israel.
19. TIME RUNS OUT. Since the State of Israel arose, not because of Jewish merit, let it be clear that this beginning of the final redemption is merely the start of a process whose end will be determined by Jewish actions. If the Jew returns to G-d, that final redemption will come instantly and gloriously. If Jews, however, continue to be blind to Jewish reality, it will come only after terrible and needless suffering, G-d forbid. The choice is in Jewish hands.