Friday, November 7, 2014

LAZERBEAMS: V'Afilu B'Hastora: Hashem, Don't Hide Your Countenance

Amidst all the terror, the sorrow and the untimely deaths all around us here recently, we beg Hashem to have mercy on us and bring the spirit of emuna and teshuva to the hearts of all us. Above all, we plead to Hashem not to hide His countenance from us.
In uncanny timeliness, the holy words of Rebbe Nachman are now being sung all over the world by every leading Jewish singer in dozens of variations. This niggun comforts aching souls.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev says in Likutei Moharan I:56 - "Even in a concealment within a concealment, Hashem is certainly there."
In the moving clip below, our esteemed friend and well-known pillar of Jewish music Yochi Briskman made this beautiful arrangement, featuring lead singer Yisrael Werdyger and the Mezamrim Choir. So you can sing along, here are the original words in transliteration, followed by translation (the first line is Yiddish, and the second two lines are Hebrew):
V'afilu B'Hastora - Even in Concealment
(1) Der Aibishter zogt inz, "Kinderlach, Anochi haster panai bayom hahu", ober di Rebbe zogt
Hashem says to us, "Children, I will conceal Myself on that day", but the Rebbe says
(2) V'afilu b'hastora shebatokh hahastora bevadai gam sham nimtza Hashem Yisborach
Even in a concealment within a concealment, Hashem may He be blessed is certainly there
(3) Gam me'achrei hadevorim hakashim ha'omdim alekha, Ani omed.
And behind the the difficult things that stand before you, I stand.
Have a wonderful Shabbat and may we all hear good tidings!