King Solomon, the wisest of all men that ever walked the face of the earth, teaches that Hashem has special compassion for a pursued individual (see Ecclesiastes 3:15). Not only that, but Hashem exacts retribution from the pursuer, who in the words of Rashi will ultimately be held accountable for his vicious deeds.
Those who view the world with eyes of emuna never cease to be amazed from the exact revelation of every word of scripture as manifest in the world around us.
With a week of contemplation following Israel's elections behind us, I decided to do what I had planned not to do and comment on current affairs. Paraphrasing King David, there are special times when a person must break a law to sanctify Hashem's Name (see Psalm 119:126). Therefore, I must flip-flop and break my own law to highlight the magnificent revelation of Divine Providence in our recent national elections.
The biased and sinister anti-emuna leftist media and pollsters had done everything in their power to bury Bibi. They not only pursued him but his family as well. Daily, there were daily vicious stories of "scandals" exposing the alleged "wickedness" of Bibi and his wife Sarah. There was legislation to close down the one newspaper in the country that reports fairly and doesn't fall in line with the leftist elite of Tel Aviv. The media and the pollsters had forecast that Bibi would lose to Herzog and Zionist Union (Labor) by a full 4 mandates. Even the television exit polls after the voting had Herzog leading Bibi by one. When the smoke cleared, miraculously, Bibi and his Likud Party won by 6, 30-24. Let's examine the amazing emuna ramifications:
1. US President Obama spent a fortune campaigning against Bibi by way of a number of NGO's. Obama the pursuer lost. G-d willing, in tomorrow's Beams, there will be a separate blog on this subject that you won't want to miss. Stay tuned...
2. The leftist media who for years has done their utmost to brainwash the Israeli public has now lost all credibility in the eyes of anyone with minimum intelligence. Don't be surprised if you here about certain Israeli television stations, radio stations and newspapers going bankrupt in the coming months.
3. Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid Party, who not only dirtily double-dealt against Prime Minister Bibi as a member of his coalition, has lost almost half of its representation, down from 19 to 11 seats in Knesset. Lapid and his henchmen have spent the last two years pursuing the Torah-observant public as well. Now, as Lapid and his party are about to be exiled in opposition, they will become totally irrelevant.
Hashem surely protects the pursued. Hashem overruled nature and logic to put Bibi back in office,
to the utter dismay of the White House - more about that tomorrow, G-d willing. Meanwhile, we wish the Prime Minister success in his mandate to build a new coalition. All the politicians do photo-ops at the Wall before the election; we here at the Beams commend Bibi for thanking Hashem at the wall after the election (see photo at right). Hashem never forsakes those who seek Him.