Leon Klinghoffer, Zichrono LiVracha [Blessed Be His Memory]: American Hero in Life & Death
Klinghoffer and his wife were taking the cruise to celebrate their 36th wedding anniversary. After hijacking the ship, cowardly Palestinian terrorists assassinated Klinghoffer by gunshot and threw his body overboard, a plot masterminded by Abul Abbas. I know Lisa Klinghoffer, daughter of Leon Klinghoffer, and she has kept in touch with me regarding her brave father.
Sadly, one of the men involved in his hijacking lives and breathes free here in America, today. I know this because one of my Muslim informant clients was asked by federal authorities to help testify and prosecute the man on drug charges, after the U.S. already shamelessly and knowingly let the man enter and live in America, absolving and agreeing not to prosecute him for his involvement in the brutal Achille Lauro murder of Klinghoffer, in exchange for “information on Al-Qaeda.” No information is enough to justify freedom (or even life) for any of Klinghoffer’s murderers.